
T-Mobile’s latest Uncarrier promises: all promo plans permanent, prices never hike, & they pay all fees to switch


03/26/2014 T-Mobile Un-Leash Announcement

T-Mobile was in New York today to announce some exciting new changes for those who choose to use their service. The eye-opener most of you will care for: the un-contract. It’s what John Legere called his company’s commitment to never raise the price of the rate plan you happen to be on (though you shouldn’t rule out the possibility for them to lower it).

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

But even that isn’t the most exciting thing about this “contract.” The company also promised to make all promotional plans permanent, meaning if you happened to switch to T-Mobile for an unbelievable deal that wouldn’t last forever, that is now reversed.  It does last forever (or as long as you want it to, anyway).

This means that awesome 4 lines for $100 plan that gave each line 2.5GB of data won’t be downgraded to 1GB of data after a couple of years — you’ll always have 2.5GB per line, and it’ll always be $100 as long as you don’t switch plans.

Another big piece of news: T-Mobile is taking Sprint’s cue by not only promising to pay your way out of a contract should you decide to leave, but also to pay for any device payment plans you may still have to take care of as a result. They’ll pay up to $650 per line for up to 10 lines, which should be more than enough wiggle room for you to migrate to Magenta’s network without having to pay your old carriers a dime.

Legere also touched on unlimited data, and while he didn’t have some earth shattering announcement to make in that regard, he did promise that they wouldn’t change their stance, prices or availability of it for at least the next two years. It’s not all that comforting to know that T-Mobile isn’t committed to unlimited data forever, but at least they’re committed long enough to keep sweat off our foreheads. Let us know if any of this will convince you to switch on over (or if this makes you happy that you’re with T-Mobile if you already have).

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Yes!!!

  2. OMG!! Wow… Just…

    1. I know right!!!! So my services say I have 4 lines at 4.5gb Full LTE and they go back down to 3GB after 1/16/16….so now I keep all the 4.5GB!!!!?! That’s perfect!!!!! Happy AF!!!!!

      1. Tmobile is scaring me. They were talking about leaving, and now all this loveliness they’re coming out with. It’s too much. I want to complain about them, but I can’t.

    2. I believe the proper phrase you are looking for, is: “I can’t even…”

  3. He’s a madman!!! (But a madman who’s currently taking my money…)

  4. Will they pay for the likely deposit many would usually face when creating an account?

  5. 2 lines, unlimited everything including LTE and a mobile hotspot 5G per month for an additional $10.00. Now permanent. Life is good.

  6. These guys are desperate. It’s pathetic. They need to shop giving money away and start putting into their God awful network.

    1. They are attacking on both fronts and you will benefit from the competition they create. In another year they’ll have bands that better penetrate walls like Verizon. I’m always loyal to the disrupter.

      1. In another year? A good amount of the Band 12 will be deployed before the end of this year.

  7. Just switched last month when I bought my Pure Edition Moto X. Loving it so far, two lines of unlimited everything for $100 per month.

    1. Do they still have it? I went on website.. I don’t see that promotion anymore :(

      1. Yep, just go to plans, and then family plans.

      2. It’s still available.
        On the main page,scroll all the down,there’s a link/info at the bottom right corner of the page.

        Or,go here:

  8. $30 Plan forever!!!

    1. Can’t go wrong with it

  9. Hopefully I qualify for them to pay off my leasing for the phones from when I left sprint at the end of January

    1. I’m on the same boat as you man. I still owe several hundreds to ATT.

      1. I actually called tmobile today and they said I don’t I would have to have gotten a new line on the 22nd or later, but I am going to try to submit my old bill again just to see if it will slip through and actually get approved

  10. Staying grand fathered in 50 bucks unlimited everything yea that is where I am staying

  11. Does T-Mobile’s reimbursement of your previous carrier’s fees still require that your trade in your phone and buy one from them? I want to bring my own device but would rather not deal with the trouble of giving them a cheap burner phone, and then buying a cheap burner phone from them.

    1. Certain ATT phones work on T-Mobile nicely as long as they are unlocked. I doubt that they’re going to pay off the phone and then let you bring it over. That would be amazing though.

  12. I have always been a happy T-Mobile customer. Even when they’ve messed up, they more than made it right.

  13. Too bad they won’t improve their awful coverage outside of major cities and away from interstates, RE: rural coverage.

    1. Even inside some cities. Their coverage map is bs.

  14. So I just bought a nexus 6 in January… Can I ESN swap to a old s3 and trade that phone in …keep my nexus 6 and activate on magenta??

    1. you don’t need to ESN swap. T-Mobile requires you trade in ANY phone and buy ANY of their phones for a buy out. The phone you use with their sim card is your choice.

      1. Oh….. I looked on their site…they stated I could bring my own phone….nvm I think I get it now… Bring my phone they’ll only cover that it?

  15. Yeah,that $30 plan was cool…but I kept going over the 5GB and when Tmo throttles you…well,let’s just say it drove me friggin’ nuts! I’m terrible with patience too so I just bit the bullet and upgraded to their $80 Truly Unlimited Everything and I’m loving it! Plus it doesn’t hurt getting 53 Mbps on the regular here in Tacoma,WA.! Real glad I left BoostSlobile…they super sucked!

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