
Will you buy the Nexus 6? [POLL]



It wasn’t the flashiest of unveilings, but the long-awaited Nexus 6 is finally here. We won’t be able to get our hands on it for a few more weeks, however, which gives us plenty of time to decide if it’s the next must-have Android handset.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The latest Nexus has a lot going for it in that area, the most prominent being its massive 6-inch AMOLED display with its crisp QHD resolution. The phone also includes a powerful Snapdragon 805 SoC with Adreno 420 GPU, a heaping helping of RAM at 3GB, and a 13MP rear camera with such enhancements as optical image stabilization. Throw in Turbo Charge for a quick battery boost and the pièce de résistance, Android Lollipop, and it would appear there is a new king in the Android realm.

Not so fast. The Nexus 6 won’t be for everyone. Its phablet form factor could turn away buyers wary about upgrading to a phone with such a large footprint. And for fans of low-cost unlocked devices, the N6 seems ready to buck the trend with Motorola revealing an off-contract price of $650. All major US carriers have plans to host the Nexus 6 on their networks, however. This fact, at least, will give buyers subsidized options to alleviate the high cost of going unlocked.

The handset won’t go up for pre-order until later this month (a specific date hasn’t been announced), but we want to get your knee-jerk reaction to Google’s announcement. Is the Nexus 6 your next Android device?

[polldaddy poll=8376800]

Kevin Krause
Pretty soon you'll know a lot about Kevin because his biography will actually be filled in!

Motorola states Nexus 6’s off-contract price as $650 [OUCH]

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  1. How about “Undecided: Waiting to see of Moto’s quote is the same as Google Play’s”

    1. What? Google Play will offer it at the same. exact. price. Motorola sets the price — not Google.

      1. That I did not know. My understanding of the Nexus program has been that Google has subsidized the price from the full value of the phone. That’s why the N5 was less expensive than similarly-spec’ed non-Nexus phones at full price. I would also assume that price point would be another item that Google worked with Moto about when they started this project. My very slim hope was that Moto’s wording of “suggested retail price” was going to vary from the actual price that is set in the Google Play Store.

    2. It’s not a scientific poll where we need to add each possible scenario. It’s just a simple grouping. Choose the one that fits you best. Simple as that, James Polk.

      1. Yes, thank you. I’ve never taken an online poll before.

        I did vote undecided. My comment was a roundabout way of saying the price is my sticking point.

  2. if the $650 quote is true, i will be holding onto my nexus 5 for another year

  3. Day 1 purchase for me. It’s beautiful. Hopefully the camera isn’t a dud.

    1. Shouldn’t be. It wouldn’t be the best either since Moto hasn’t been known to make amazing cameras, but OIS in the sensor shows they’re targeting a good camera. I feel like Moto is doing a good job outside the pricing points of the Moto X and Nexus 6. Finally, a Moto Nexus though.

      1. I think they both are priced great. I really don’t see what’s the problem. Especially in comparison to other flagships.

        1. I was referring to the camera in the first place. Pricing for many devices are too high imo. When devices cost what, $250 to make for companies, they have a markup that’s too high. I wouldn’t pay more than $500 right now for a phone in general.

  4. 1. Z3v
    2. Nexus 6
    3. Moto Turbo

    (2 & 3 are open for a flip flop based on new details)

  5. Finally a Nexus with top of the line everything including the price. Obviously previous Nexus devices were cheaper due to the many compromises made. Many of these compromises made the previous editions unacceptable to those that want the best. Thankyou Google/Motorola for making a premium device. Truth be told, it is priced in line with other flagships. And as a bonus, it was made for those of us who like large devices. Can’t wait to finally buy (and keep) a Nexus.

    1. “top of the line everything” I don’t think can be said about a phone with no MicroSD expandability, true water and dust proof. IMHO that is.

      1. I agree on micro sd, but could care less about water and dustproof. After owning a Z1, I find it inconvenient with all the annoying port covers

  6. if not for the ONE, i’d be looking at hanging on to my cracked S3 for another year.

  7. $650 is pretty much in line with other flagship phones. I am glad they are going for premium instead of bargain bin. My main issue might be size, I might wait till I can see some good side by side comparisons to see how big it is before I bite. Otherwise it sounds like a great device.

  8. Price doesn’t bother me, but size does. I think it was a wise move for Google to make the phone available subsidized with carriers otherwise it wouldn’t have sold well at all.

    I’m not saying there isn’t a market for phablets, just that it’s much smaller than “normal” sized smartphones.

    1. They better keep the Nexus 5 out as well for those customers that don’t want to sign contracts and still enjoy the Nexus platform on a daily basis. $350 for a 32 GB and $400 for the 64 GB is just the starting idea I have. I would actually drop the 16 GB or make it mad cheap to convince customers to buy it. A relevant flagship with timely updates and LTE and some of the better specs for a nice price.

      1. Nexus 5 stay put, Nexus 6 ain’t an upgrade for Nexus 5, its just a different segment!

    2. I think the size is great. The problem with why so many of us are frustrated with today’s news is that all this, taken together, really seems like a significant departure from how Google viewed the “Nexus” program. In the past it’s been about a discounted phone with solid (perhaps not top) specs, and sold direct from Google.

      All the carrier featuring and the drastic departure from the past pricing really points to exactly what they wanted from the “Silver” program, not what they’ve been calling the “Nexus” program.

    3. You jealous of the 6 inches there little guy

    4. Saying price doesnt bother you is totally irrelivent. You are an Android Site blogger/author, etc. Its more or less a tool for you at work as much as it is a personal item.

      This is similar to a mechanic saying a $150 Ratchet doesnt bother them. They use it daily to pay there bills. At that point its a tool, not an accessory.

  9. Not impressed with the battery or cameras for the size of the phone when compared to the Droid Turbo, which I know is Verizon only. At this point, the N5 should be coming down in price & may be the better option

  10. It’s just too expensive for what it offers. I’m happy with my LG G3 with the replaceable battery and microSD card. Just waiting for the Android 5.0 savior update

  11. The phone is too big for me, but I would adjust to it since I do have the LG G3 and had the Note 3 in the past. The huge concern is the time it will take to get Wi-Fi Calling on the device in 2015 through T-Mobile. Without that, I am stuck on an island without the ability to get much signal from all the big four carriers. $650 is too much, but I feel like this device is the best on the market and if I had the disposable income, I would buy it. My comfort zone is $450 at this time. Water resistance, dual speakers, Moto design, OIS camera, Nexus software. It’s as if all the best of each Android OEM contributed to an artificial offspring in a lab and it became the closest thing to the ideal phone.

    1. T-Mobile confirmed wi-fi calling on the Nexus 6 http://phandroid.com/2014/10/15/nexus-6-wifi-calling/

  12. This thing is just WAY TOO BIG! It looks great and the specs are fantastic but 6″ screen…really??

    1. Although I agree.. there is one good thing about a 6 inch screen… http://i.imgur.com/QCcWfR8.gif

      1. I’ve got a tablet for that lol

  13. The fact that you can charge it for 15 mins and give you 6 hours sold me , I can find so many 15 mins during my day that baby will stay 100%

    I’m getting it :D

  14. I feel like these polls should have a “Not currently in the market for a new device”. Given that many of us only upgrade every 2 years or so “not interested” may be misleading.

  15. I think It’s gonna be an awesome phone but I’m bummed about the size. A 5.2″ or 5.5″ option would’ve been cool.

  16. Perhaps the poll should be “I am interested, but the price is too high” That is the category I fit in. Perhaps this time around Google should have gone the way Apple has. 5/5.2 inch and a 5.9 inch. 749.99 CDN….no thanks..

  17. Holding out for a Droid Turbo Dev Edition if that’s the Nexus price!

  18. Everyone is confused. Take a look at the official site from Google. You’ll notice that they’re showcasing the Nexus line as: 9, 6, 5, and the player. This is not communicated clearly, but Google is offering the 6 as a supplement to the nexus line – following the naming convention where number = size, not version. Therefore, the 5 is still the same LG-made 5, a great smartphone as-is with no need to update it at this point.

    1. Makes sense…I get what you are saying. Would have loved a Motorola build though. I still think two variants of Nexus 6 would have been sweet.

      1. @disqus_V53s7Gjqhp:disqus – You basically do have a moto version of the 5 now, Moto X. And there will be a Google Play version of this coming, per reports.
        @TheScientists:disqus – I agree, but seems like Google’s approach here is to offer a product that can demo the latest Android OS and nothing more, they’ve achieved such a thing and other providers take over this year on the hardware front.

    2. Price drop plz? The value isn’t the same compared to a year ago.

    3. Except the N5’s terrible battery life and camera.

    4. “…with no need to update it at this point.”

      That’s certainly debatable. If they’re keeping the 5″ size offering, one would certainly hope that the hardware gets a refresh. Otherwise, there are plenty of other offerings from other OEM’s in that size that are more appealing.

    5. I would be more than happy to own a Nexus 5, but unfortunately I am on Verizon, and have been hoping for a nexus device for years. My only hope now is a N5 refresh with Verizon compatibility.

    6. Except its a year old and has terrible battery life and camera. Yeah, there’s no need to upgrade, but also no need to purchase one if you’re in the market for a new phone.

  19. Its safe to say, google wont have logistics issues this time around with shipping and all that. All their nexus launches have been pathetic to say the least. And, they wont have any stock issues. :) At this price, and especially with iphone 6+ and note in the play, this will most likely be a bust.

  20. Price is justifiable, but screen is WAY too big

  21. I was on board to upgrade from my Nexus 5, but not for $650. Why are they breaking the $400 price point the Nexus program has always met?

    1. Always met? The Nexus One and S were $530 off contract, and you were looking at $750+ for a Galaxy Nexus at release in the USA.

      $650 is no more out of line for Nexus pricing than $350-450 was.

    2. because the Nexus 5 will continue to be made and sold at $400

    3. The Nexus One and S were $530, and the Galaxy Nexus at launch in the USA was over $750. The only $400 price point at launch Nexus phone was the N5…

      $650 is no more an aberration in Nexus pricing than $300 was for the Nexus 4.

  22. I have two Nexus phones in my house. The wife has a Samsung Galaxy Nexus and I have a LG Nexus 4. So my question is this….

    How in the Hell did Google RUIN their best thing? There are already TOO MANY PLAYERS in the PHABLET market. What we need is a reasonable priced and sized, top tier phone. You know, something like the MOTO X. That’s my next phone.

    1. Well where do you want them to go? I mean there are tons of phone in the 4.5-5 inch market. Tons of phones in the 4-4.4 inch market, tons of phones in the 5+ inch market. They just want a phone in each market.

      1. Where do I want them to go? Nowhere. I want the Nexus line to remain right where it is traditionally been. A reasonably priced, pure Android device right at the lower edge of top tier devices. A phone that someone without a contract can afford without sacrificing too much on specs or the experince. If I wanted a $600+ phone I’d buy a Sony Z2, HTC One (M8), Samsung Galaxy S5 or Note4.

        Now my choices are limited to the Moto X (2014), One Plus One, or ironically, last years top models. Or worst yet some second tier manufacturer’s efforts, like the Blu Life Play.

        1. I want a phablet that’s a Nexus. As far as I’m concerned, this was the best thing they could have done.

          I don’t have tiny hands. From my perspective, there are far too few players in the phablet market. I’m sorry you didn’t get what you wanted out of today’s announcement. If you aren’t entirely self-centered, perhaps you’ll be happy that other people got what they wanted.

          1. I don’t have tiny hands, I’m not a Hipster, but I don’t want to be forced into a Merse or cargo pants just to pocket my phone. I like regular fit jeans and dockers.

            But my question to you would be, why would you choose a $600+ Nexus 6 over the $300 One Plus One?

          2. Well the one plus one is not on Verizon and they are a sketchy company imho

          3. My Nexus 7 fits in my normal pants pocket, so I doubt I’ll have any problems with the 6. As for why no One Plus One? It might just be some freakish luck (good or bad — who knows), but I have had a terrible experience with all non-Nexus hardware, and wonderful experiences with everything Nexus. That said, I have not had _every_ Nexus device, but I have had a Nexus One, two Galaxy Nexus (Verizon and GSM), Nexus 4, and a first-gen Nexus 7. The worst experience I had with the Nexus is dealing with Verizon while I used the LTE GNex. I’ve used several non-Nexus Samsung phones, a couple HTCs, and even a couple of the Chinese “AT&T” branded Android phones. My best two non-Nexus experiences are using the AT&T-branded Chinese phone and the Galaxy Light I currently use. I hate the hardware and the mucked-up version of 4.2 Samsung put on the phone, but I am currently living in a place with zero cell signal. T-Mobile’s WiFi calling works amazingly well (even for texting — something I occasionally resort to when GV can’t deal with the MMS), but I’m really looking forward to a Nexus 6 with WiFi calling!

        2. I figure it’s too late to respond, but you have to realize what you’re asking for. You’re asking for a low price high end phone. If you’re upset for sacrificing on “specs” and “experience”, then your only options have been higher end phones. With your wants you’d only get the:
          LG G3
          HTC M8
          OnePlus One
          Nexus 5

          Oh my, what a lineup, and I’m not even done. You can skimp out on specs and still have a great experience. I personally don’t skimp out on specs because I choose not to. I don’t even need all this processing power or high res screen and I know it. My M8 spends most of its time 1Ghz and my experience with the phone is great.

          You have more choices than you let yourself realize. I have more choices than I let myself realize. I just want the best of the best because I fall for those cool ads. LoL!!

  23. i have a nexus 5 i will wait next year. I was going to buy the nexus 6 but it is too expensive, now i am considering the nexus 9 even if my first thought was to buy the nexus 6 only.

  24. N6 at $650? Definitely NO. At $350 as Nexus used to be, maybe, but at $650 no way.

  25. no thanks …the Note 4 is a superior phone….that’s what i will be purchasing

  26. Umm, you know what? I think my Nexus 4 still has juice for another year or so…pass…

  27. I just upgraded from a Nexus 4 to a Nexus 5 to avoid the coming Phablet. No thanks. The Nexus 5 is already too big for to use one handed properly.

    The Nexus 9, on the other hand, I am watching…

  28. ill wait for comparison of this and droid turbo…my gut tells me the nexus 6 would be uncomfortably big for me.

  29. Do not want.

    I will pick up a Nexus Player, however.

  30. It is pricey, but I think people need to realize that each Nexus device went up in price when it came out. Hardware and software improved every time. You can’t have a successor and keep putting it out at the same price. How will you make money? Plus the Nexus devices used to cut corners. That was a big reason why it was sold for a much lower price. They didn’t cut any corners this time around. We still don’t know the quality of that camera, but still. It has the specs of any other flagship phone. So how much did you expect this to cost unlocked? Previous Nexus phones had and still have nice specs for what it is, but they were not on par with other flagship phones. Not on paper anyways. Nexus devices had an overall package that made it feel “premium” when really it wasn’t top of the line. We’ve been spoiled. There is really nothing to complain about besides the screen size for most. Even then, some people probably would still buy it if the price was lower and the screen size was still 5.9′ and then say they got used to it. If you already use a Note or 5.5′ screen, then .4 and .2′ plus even smaller bezels won’t even be a bother.

    1. Going up $50 is one thing but a few hundred doesn’t seem reasonable for a nexus. The phone is not earth shattering awesome or all that different than most phablets.

    2. Nexus 5 was released with comparable flagship specs at that time, WITH the lower price.

      1. The N5 was based on the G2 but Google gimped on:
        1. Shitty camera
        2. Shitty battery
        3. Poor display brightness
        4. Settled for the slowest quality NAND storage in the market

        A whole bunch of compromises. The N6 rectifies on all those fronts an includes:
        1. Active notification support with LLP
        2. Huge battery
        3. (Hopefully) Better than N5 camera
        4. Fast charging with the fast charger included ($20 value right there)
        5. Big AMOLED display
        6. Hopefully chosen the same Moto X standard NAND which i industry super fast.

  31. Negative. This price is ridiculous

  32. Theoretically, I do want this, but realistically it’s just way too much $$$$. I don’t need the high-end specs and so my Moto G works for me and at almost 1/4 the $! Plus – Moto says they’ll be upgrading the G to Lollipop and since I bought it off the Moto site, it’s covered for 1 glass breakage/replacement. I can dream of a high-end phone – but I’ll pass this time around. More likely to pick up the N9.

  33. OnePlus One

    Looks like I am holding on to this guy a bit longer. t

    1. Glad I ordered the Oneplus instead of waiting for this announcement

  34. They just lost a loyal buyer

  35. I was contemplating the Nexus 6 over the Note 4 but that Motorola camera is just a turnoff. I had a Verizon Nexus way back when and that battery sucked. Jumped to the Droid Maxx but hated paying Verizon my $$$$. I now have a Tmobile Moto X 2013 and like it but it’s camera sucks and I kind of miss having bigger screen. Come friday I may just go get me that Note 4.. Stylus on my Note 10.1 rocks plus that screen is so NICE!!! Stock Google is nice but I don’t miss it that much on my Note 10.1…

  36. Hmm… I can see me using this. I like it. I like it a lot. I can sell, or better yet give my mom my Nexus 7 2013 and get this.

  37. I have a feeling people who have the Nexus 5 like myself may be keeping it for a little longer if you want a Stock Android device.

  38. I feel like they should have also announced a refresh version of N5 to go with a N6 but of course that would cannibalize the n6 sale even more. I’ll stick to my n5. Still feels like a new phone at 11 months.

  39. I logged into my Google Wallet account just to make sure everything was in order to avoid snags at the checkout. Then the $650 price tag was announced.. nope!

    1. I did the same! Haha.

  40. Any chances is hell that the Nexus 6 will have Moto Voice etc..?

    1. It will have Google Now voice – which is growing steadily and I can bet you it won’t have Moto Voice.

  41. 2 things need to be confirmed before I make my mind up. while a removable battery cover would be nice, the ligfhtning charging will be a good substitute. I need expandable storage a a decent camera. if it doesn’t have either of those, Note 4 it is I suppose since I’m not waiting to see what the HTC M9 will be.

    1. I can tell you….1) no expandable storage. 2) Same camera as the Moto X 14’… So check out samples for your self

  42. The price is the deal breaker. I was already unhappy about the size but the announcement that it will run on Verizon had me reconsidering it. I switched to AT&T from Verizon when the Nexus 5 came out. Unfortunately AT&T is like the little girl with a curl, when they are good they are very very good but when they are bad they are dreadful so the prospect of running a real Nexus phone (as opposed the Verizon crippled Galaxy Nexus) on Verizon’s network was enough for me to reconsider it. Then the price leaked, $650 is just not a Nexus price, it’s and Apple price. I’ve been very happy with the Nexus 5 so I’ll be keeping it for another year.

  43. Cnet: “The 32GB version of the Nexus 6 will cost $649 unlocked, while the 64GB version will cost $699”


    1. To be fair, at least it’s only a $50 premium for the memory upgrade.

  44. No – too expensive.

  45. It’s a little large and if you’re going for a phone that large, it’s tough to beat the Note with its stylus. The battery is… Adequate. And as usual, the camera isn’t quite there. So for $650 I think there are a lot of equally great options. I’m REALLY interested in the Droid Turbo though. It’s a more complete package despite the capacitive keys. Bring on the reviews!!!

    1. We’ll revisit your opinion, when the $750 you spend on the Note 4 sees Android 5.x/6.x upgrades 6 months post-release (or never). You should factor that into your comparison.

  46. Don’t forget people… Hardware is forever but software can be changed. Other than the easily unlocked bootloader and the garanteed dev support, the Nexus might not be the best phone for your dollar.

  47. All google is doing it going the Apple route..

    The new nexus costs more and has all the best specs.

    The older nexus (5 in this case) will still be around as the reasonably prices alternative that still will get the latest Android.

    Not a bad idea. Specially since most people will be using their upgrades, or Early Upgrade programs to get this. Less and less people pay full price anymore. I understand this is an enthusiasts site, so they percentage here may be more…but not the real majority.

  48. 6″ is a tablet. This is problemly the biggest mistake Google has made with the Nexus phone line.

    1. It’s a phablet. To many people that’s acceptable.

      1. No it’s not. A phablet is 5 inches and above. I personally believe anything above 4.7 inches is a phablet, and is completely unnecessary. Btw check out this 6″ tablet, you may want to delete your comment after looking at it! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KC6I06S/ref=fs_far

        1. Amazon is screwed on all fronts not ereader; let’s not bring anything they say into the picture ;-)

          1. Who cares? They still made a 6″ TABLET not a 6″ PHABLET or a 6″ PHONE, but a 6″ tablet, therefore you are wrong.

        2. I think you’re running behind on like 1-2 years of phone tech. 4.7 is the new small, 5.2 mid, and 5.5+ phablet. If it makes phone calls and it’s big and rectangular, it’s a phone.

    2. Lol I see what u did there..

  49. Second worst Nexus after Galaxy Nexus.

    1. i’m curious why you say this?

      personally i like the idea of this phone, though i likely won’t be buying it (won’t come to my carrier of choice). but it looks like a great device to me… 2nd worst? why?

    2. What? Just because you don’t want to take the hit on your pocket, both in size and price, does not make it the second worst. Nexus was always meant to showcase Android, it’s doing it primetime now.

    3. I loved my GNex..

  50. Day 1 buy for me. Less than the $750 I paid for a Galaxy Nexus in the USA on launch day, and only $120 more than the Nexus One/S…Aside from the N4/5, “Nexus” was never about affordability, but about off-contract availability, first updates, and being the best Android phone available, period. I’ll gladly pay more for a premium Nexus device again. I occasionally play with my Nexus One, and it’s almost comical how much better of a device it was compared to any other Android device available then.

    Plus the N6 should be a great size for those of us with big hands, should have killer battery life, a significantly better camera than the N5, and looks fantastic (and likely will feel fantastic in hand).

    Being AMOLED and Snap805, we should be able to emulate/steal some of the great MotoX features while providing a better overall experience. I couldn’t ask for a better Nexus. Sign me up.

    1. Xperia Z3 it is

      1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Z3 owner, say hellllooooo to Android Lollipop in June 2015 (with some complimentary bugs)!

  51. “carrier upgrade” – in other words, “my vote labels me a sucker”…

    personally, i’m waiting to see if it becomes available for Republic Wireless. almost certainly won’t, which is sad, but i’d much rather take whatever they DO offer (Moto X 2014 perhaps?) and keep my astoundingly low rates then to jump over to one of the larger carriers and pay 2x to 5x more per month for service. never mind this ridiculous notion of a carrier “upgrade”.

    1. You must be a very patient person.

  52. Where is the “For $650 I’ll stick with my Nexus 5” option in the poll?

  53. Average price for a Nexus phone, lowest price model, at launch in the USA, is $518.

    I get why everyone’s been spoiled by $300-400 Nexus phones, but $650 is less of an aberration than $300 was. People just have two year memories.

  54. I’ll get it once T-Mobile makes the wifi calling work on it.

  55. I want to be excited for this phone, but I’ll be more than happy to continue on with my Nexus 5 (which I only upgraded to because a roller coaster stole my beautiful Nexus 4). The Nexus 5 is still very powerful, especially for the price, so I can see why they’re going to continue to offer it without upgrading the internals (though I think people would’ve appreciated a 64GB model). Here’s hoping that next year, Google will offer up two brand new phones with at least one of them being a 5″ screen, 1080p is perfectly fine for me.

  56. if VZW gives a decent subsidized price, i’m so there.

    gimme a vehicle bracket too.

    1. You realize “subsidized” actually costs more if you keep your phone for more than 2 years and 3 months.

    2. You realize “subsidized” actually costs more if you keep your phone for more than 2 years and 3 months.

  57. This phone is going to be dope. Can’t wait to get one! :D

  58. I’ll stick with my oneplus one

    1. So, you finally got your 1+1?

      1. Yeah my invite finally came

  59. Too big. Nexus 5 is almost too big. I want something smaller, but no good android maker (or apple for that matter) is making small smart phones without killing some specs. Sigh, Sony Z3 Compact is king. Just wish it had stock android, bigger battery, and 1080. Same with Samsung galaxy alpha. Maybe I should get the alpha cuz of the metal. But GAAAAAHHH.

    1. This year’s Moto X isn’t that big. And it’s stock Android if you’re into that sorta thing.

      1. Correction. It is ALMOST stock android

  60. Really disappointed in the price point. I (and my family members) have been a big supporter of the Nexus line of phones and tablets for a few important reasons. 1) Reasonably priced 2) Unlocked phone 3) First to get updates and no bloatware. The price of $649 puts it out of the ballpark for many people. I really feel betrayed by Google. I never bought the Nexus to be cutting edge but instead to have a functional, good working, reasonably priced electronic device. It looks like I will have to find another to company to give my business to. I can no longer recommend it to friends and family as a good deal for price conscious shoppers.

    1. Moto G and E line are the best option now. Even the X is less I think.

    2. You feel betrayed that they are charging market price for premium hardware? Do you know the definition of betray?

  61. Should add
    “For $650 I’ll stick with my Nexus 5” option in the poll?

  62. Both the Nexus devices missing Wireless charging! :-(

    1. Nexus 6 has it, idk about the 9. Unless you read NO from the source, don’t assume. They went all in on this one.

  63. Bang for the buck is just not there for this one. $499 would be a good price point. Z3 from T-mobile is $19 cheaper. I’ll keep using my Nexus 5.

  64. So glad I went with the OnePlus One for $350. I know they’re annoying but I sure hope they survive. With every recent phone release I still think how much I love the One. I was really hoping that the Nexus 6 would have swayed me but there’s just not enough to make me want it over what I have.

    1. I have fallen madly in love with my OPO today. Looking forward to our OP2.

  65. I’ll be waiting for reviews and comparing it to a Note 4.

  66. This would have been my next device if it offered microSD expansion

  67. I think Google is toying with us, they mean Hong Kong $$650!!

  68. not sure if people know this but phone is water resistance, and has dual front face speakers, and wireless charging

  69. I might be interested in the 64GB version.

    It all depends on reviews, as well as a Black Friday deal.

    1. groundhog day might be better.

  70. I already bought the Z3. It’s got water resistance, dual sim, dual stereo speakers, magnetic charging, expandable memory up to 128gb, and 3100mAH battery. I couldn’t ask for more! Oh and yeah, it fits in my front pocket too!

  71. my choice will depend on the price difference between nexus 6 and note 4, if there is a diff of 8-12K(in India) that is if the nexus costs less i will consider it, otherwise Note 4 is the best at the price.

    1. Really? I think this is a much nicer product than the note

      1. yeah i am not doubting upon that, but i said if they were same price, note 4 offers Stylus and rest some features(heart beat, UV sensor)…..so i will prefer Note.
        but i think there will be significant price difference(in India….for if Nexus 6 will be 45-50K, Note is 58K) and then Nexus will be definite choice…(and also i heard its water resistant….so thats a strong point also)

        1. Most of the note features and Samsung software is gimmicky. Also, you have to deal with touchwhiz. Add to the list no wireless charging in the note. The big one is the software though. The note won’t get Lollipop for ages and when it does, Samsung will ruin it with touchwhiz like they always do

          1. Yeah i am not a touchwhiz fan either….
            and about getting Lollipop 4 ages, that’s right

            i have not used the pure stock android….perhaps nexus 6 will be a good experience.

  72. It’s only slightly better than my current new phone, To be honest I don’t think i’ll upgrade to another phone until sometime late next year.

  73. The Nexus 6 looks great but its too big and too expensive (very disappointed with that). I just bought a 32 GB Nexus 5 yesterday for $399 instead while they are still available.

    1. From what I can tell, Google plans on keeping the 5 around. They made a special product page for it among the new nexus devices.

  74. A 64 GB will be mine but I will not buy next years release.At $400 it was easy to buy a new one every year.

  75. google just shot themselves in the foot with this one…almost completely sold out to the carriers

  76. Sadly I have to continue to wait for a decent nexus device. No micro SD, laden-with-carrier-filth. I’m out.

  77. Eh, I miiiiight be interested. I’m not to keen on the size, and I reallyreallyREALLY want a device with expandable memory. I might be the minority here, but I still prefer local files to cloud storage. I can’t use PowerAMP with my Google Music account.

    I am happy about two things though: 1) It will be coming to Vzn which seems to be a once in a blue moon kinda thing for nexus devices and 2) While I know a lot of people don’t like the “hefty” unlocked price tag I will note that it’s still cheaper than the competition. I think the Note 4 is around $800 right? Since I pretty much HAVE to buy my next device outright (in order to maintain my unlimited data on Verizon) this price point for this device isn’t as much of an outrage for me as it is for others since I pretty much expected to pay something like this for whatever I end up getting.

  78. Eh..maybe as a backup for my Note 4;) The poll doesn’t appear to favor this device either.

  79. too BIG, too expensive… bad move Google.

  80. I’ve cancelled 2 Note 4 pre-orders awaiting a review of the Nexus 6.

  81. Well, since I’m using a Nexus 5 and only buy a new Nexus every two years, I would be skipping this one anyway unless it had something I couldn’t pass up. The price is reasonable for all of it’s great features but definitely not an impulse buy price. I think this phone would be too big for me to manage with my small hands too. The Nexus 5 is about the limit of what I can hold since my fingers don’t work, and I can’t actually grip the phone. I’m hoping the 7th generation Nexus phone is back down to a reasonable 5″.

  82. I’ll buy one from carrier if it doesn’t get art bloat. Otherwise I’ll buy off contract..

  83. ATT

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