
OnePlus giving away 20,000 invites to buy the OnePlus One, and there is no nonsense to be had


OnePlus One DSC06079

While OnePlus doesn’t expect to be able to provide handsets on order until early next year, the company has given plenty of chances to receive an invite to buy the phone. The latest chance pops up today as they’ve decided to give away 20,000 new invites. Unlike contests past, this one requires no tricks, catches and no nonsense.

All you have to do is head to this Google form and submit your email address. An email address from a forwarding service won’t do, so make sure yours is real and active. The first 20,000 to do so will receive an invite — that simple. The only caveat is that the event you get is only valid for 24 hours, so unless you plan to purchase one right away then we suggest you don’t horde invites that someone else could use.

OnePlus says the invites will be issued within 48 hours of the beginning of the “warm up” for their new pre-order system kicking off this month. Be sure to act fast.

[via OnePlus]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. full.

  2. Nonsense… it will be outdated by the time you can get one

    1. ??? I have had mine for a couple month’s now. I received my invite commenting right here on the Phandroid threads. If people really wanted one it wasn’t that hard to get. And spec wise this is no where near outdated yet. Actually one of the best phone’s I have ever owned.

      1. Agreed, Oneplus One benchmarks faster than most other flagship devices with only the exception of Tegra K1.

        Snapdragon 805 is good also but usually crippled by the 1440p resolution.

    2. You could say the same about every other high end phone on the market right now, only difference is this costs around half the price.

      Seems like a no brainer to me, that’s if you can get an invite of course. :)

  3. I’m so over OnePlus and their stupid invite system.

    1. Don’t get my wrong the invite system was the stupidest thing they could have done. But have you really ever tried getting an Invite on there forums? They are actually very easy to get if you sign up. Most people get them within a couple days of signing up…

      1. That’s not true, I’ve gone through a few invites, mostly from kind people on forums willing to dish them out.

        Only had one from the “system” and that was the day after I ordered one.

        Oneplus obviously hoping that if you buy one you will buy more which makes sense but is a little unfair to users that have been waiting weeks or months like I was for an invite.

        1. That was exactly the point I was trying to make. The people on the forums are putting out invite’s every day. I never said Oneplus was the one giving them. Most invites out there are from people who have gotten the phone I got my invite and have already shared 6 invites with other people on the forums…

          1. You need to be very quick to pick them up there, not everyone has time to watch the forums refreshing constantly for the chance to claim one.

            I got mine elsewhere.

          2. Like I said I got mine here on Phandroid from one of the writers and all I did was had to ask. If people spent the time complaining about the invite system and put it into trying to recieve an invite they would probably already have the phone in their hand

          3. Lucky, I’d imagine a lot of users ask the writers of blogs and news sites for invites. :)

            But if you know the places to check they are easy to get, the trick is finding an active Oneplus One thread or community outside of their official forum and it won’t take very long.

          4. Derek Ross is awesome!!!

          5. X a million

          6. Yeah you are the man. This guy being one of them.

      2. I know folks may have qualms with this but got mine for $5 on eBay

        1. Whatever it takes. I mean for as much as you are paying for the phone itself its still a great deal. Congrats..
          PS I don’t condone people selling invites on ebay…

          1. From my whole experience with this company looks like only their phone design team works well. Supply chain, Marketing, Manufacturing all are pretty darn bad.. Even their IT, The order status never updates in time and by the time it changes to shipped you actually may have the order already.. But I’m not complaining. :D Great phone..

  4. It’s gone , took less than an hour for all the 20000 to go away.

    1. Yet all I hear is people saying they lost interest and they don’t want one now -___-

      1. I personally don’t care for the phone anymore. However, folks jumping in to get the invites are probably doing so to sell it.

        1. They might, but in the end someone will buy their invites (you can go to ebay sold listing … invites are sold from 5$ to 80$)… so the demand for the phone is still much higher then the manufacturing capacity.

          1. and thats not saying much

          2. I’m willing to bet that the manufacturing capacity is a lot higher than folks are being led to believe. There isn’t anything anymore special about the OnePlus One than any other phone, except the software side.

            I’m not knocking anyone for buying/selling the invites, either. However, I don’t think it makes any kind of sense to pay for something that was given to the seller for free, just so you can in turn pay for the product.

          3. Well , I’m not sure what people are led to believe, however OnePlus stated numerous times, that they made an error by underestimating the demand for their phone. And they are working really hard to increase production capacity.

            However , I believe that with release of the Nexus 6 phablet, the demand for the OnePlus will drop, as both devices are competing on the same market, and the N6 seems to have a slightly better hardware.

          4. But, what is currently known about the Nexus 6 is based purely on rumor/speculation. So, technically, it’s not known if the N6 and 1+1 will compete with each other.

    2. 20000 phones for the entire world shoudnt take long to sell. the phone is still amazing but its about to be out shined.

  5. Jesus….I’m a bit over this way of selling phones too. I tried to get an invite…..finally got one last month but could not afford it at the time since it only gave me 3 days to buy it. I know thats my problem, but its still a crappy way to sell A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Why not just create a wait list, let people go on and buy it, they make how many they get orders for and….BAAM, everyone wins? No over-production. No pissed off consensus.

    1. Well unfortunately the invite system creates “buzz” and free advertising for oneplus.

      1. yea a negative buzz. kinda like hearing a bee buzzing in your ear!

    2. Pretty sure you would have a different sentiment if you had been able to purchase the device. My invite only lasted 24 hours, but I didn’t go invite searching unless I was set to buy.

      1. Very good point…. I honestly didn’t look. I signed up on their site and 3 months later I received a random invite…. Blah :/

    3. People like you give Android users bad reputation. If you can’t afford this phone, you don’t deserve a phone at all!!

        1. Oh wow, how much would that be?. I can buy 7 of these piece of craps wirh only one monthly child support I pay. Yep, unfortunately people like you are bad reputation for Android users.

          1. Let’s hit reset instead of being like every other argument on these….I get what you are saying. And I just simply could not afford it when I happened to get an invite. Nor did I have an interest after this debocle of an invite system. Not everyone can afford stuff like that so quickly. But I shouldn’t be bitching about it.

          2. Let’s do hit the reset button.

  6. If you have to invite me to buy something from you, I don’t want it, or anything to do with you.

    1. Yet sadly enough I don’t think Oneplus cares…

      1. True that. Its a beast of a phone and a great value.

        1. it is a great value, but no longer a class leading device. by the time the general public can buy it, it will be old news.

      2. Probably why I’m not sending an email to them.

    2. I wish I could type F and U and C and K all together on this site..but you are so right, freak this company

  7. Awww shucks! Wish i had the benjeez and the opportunity to get one…it’s either going to be the new N6 or the OPO…still loving my issue free N5 though! “Enjoy” for those who are able to buy one! #weareblessed

  8. Should this be called 20,000 “begs” (rather than invites) ?

  9. “While OnePlus doesn’t expect to be able to provide handsets on order until early next year” – Really?!?! And yet they are giving away 20k invites but they won’t ship until next year… Why bother, or am I misunderstanding this part of the post?

    1. there won’t be a situation where you can buy the ONE without an invite until next year.

      meanwhile, you can snag one of these 20K invites and get ONE in few weeks.

  10. So they have you preorder the phone that you won’t get until next year …oh, and just in time for them to pump out the OnePlus Two.

  11. That can’t be correct they probably have the 20,000 ready to go

  12. “and there is no nonsense to be had”

    Except the fact that you need an invite to buy a phone.

  13. I only just recently got an invite, but it was too late. Enjoying my LG G3 now. :D

    1. Should’ve sold it on eBay. I made $80 doing that lol. The only snag was the free shipping

      1. I would’ve, but my bro-in-law was waiting for one too.. so I just gave it away. Like a chump…

        1. good job

        2. Yep, glad to see you have it to him instead.

    2. If you don’t need it, please provide it to me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance

  14. I want a invite

    1. You are invited

      1. When do I get the invite?

        1. I just mailed it.

          1. How long does it take to get it?

          2. It’s coming from China VIA Chinese snailmail, so go figure!!

          3. HAhahahaHAhAhahAHAHHAAAAAAAAA!!!!

            I logged in here just to say, “Brilliant!”

          4. :)

          5. If you get an invite, please mail me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance.

          6. If you have one more invite, please mail me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance..

  15. People with problems with Invite system, simply get over yourself, you know it’s there for control over stock, saying it’s lame, stupid etc., really doesn’t make you a smart person.

    People saying this phone is outshined already, you’re wrong still best price/performance deal. And it will stay like that. If you don’t like OnePlus just go to Samsung or just buy an Apple product.

  16. Booo… came here looking for an invite but went away empty handed

    1. I have an invite that must be accepted ASAP! Email me for more details. ‘rezniktetsuo (@) gmail(.)com’…

  17. a lot of rejected guy syndrome regarding the ONE going on at phandroid.

  18. I love my OnePlus one. Its been the best phone I’ve ever had. The lg g3 is my backup phone now. That’s how good the one is. It can run every app and game I need it to and last all day. Can’t get better than that

  19. My nexus 4 broke today if anyone can spare an invite please send me here
    [email protected]

    1. I have an invite that must be accepted ASAP! Email me for more details. ‘rezniktetsuo (@) gmail(.)com’.

  20. Good to see they have production ramping up

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