
Android Wallpaper: Stripes


android wallpaper stripes

See past editions of Android Wallpaper

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Yipes! Stripes! This week we are sharing some simple striped wallpapers. We love simple wallpapers like these because they make your app icons really stand out. Stripes are bold, colorful, and loud without being overwhelming. Finding stripes in the color you like can be easily done with a Google search, but we’ve done the work for you.

Below you will find six HD wallpapers that should look great on any device. We’ve chosen a few different styles of stripes in several colors. Hopefully one of these strikes your fancy. To get one of these on your phone, tablet, or even PC simply tap or click the download link underneath each image. Let us know which one is your favorite, and be sure to share a screenshot if you use one of these wallpapers!

Push new Android Wallpaper to your Android device with this IFTTT recipe.

Gray-Blue Diaganol


Download (2560 x 1600)

Crimson Vertical


Download (2560 x 1600)

Faded Blue Stripes


Download (2560 x 1600)

Wide Mint

mint stripes

Download (2560 x 1600)

Sloping Grayscale


Download (2560 x 1600)


Neon Stripes

Download (2560 x 1600)

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

Moto X+1 benchmarks shows it coming equipped with a Snapdragon 801 processor

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  1. Niiccee! Keep em coming Joe!

    1. I don’t know why that posted twice… Oh well

      1. And now it looks like it actually did only post once… >.>

  2. Is it natural to have to crop these before setting as wallpaper?

  3. If you’re considering a new Android phone this spring or summer, the Samsung Galaxy S5  is the best choice for most people. It's the most balanced in size and power, without flaws that could be dealbreakers, unlike most of the competition. It has all the features you’d expect from a major Android phone release: the fastest processors, a 16 MP camera, a gorgeous 1080p screen, the ability to shoot full 4K video, and a battery that lasts longer than a day. It’s also the first widely available flagship smartphone that has real water-resistance out of the box. The Galaxy S5’s IP67 rating means it can survive a dunking in up to 1 meter of water for 30 minutes

    1. Lol

    2. ‘without flaws that could be dealbreakers’

      You mean, like 16gb of storage? On a high-end smartphone? Not in 2014 :P

    3. Are you a spokesperson for Samsung?

    4. The interns Samsung are paying to post aren’t trying very hard to look like real posters anymore.

      The S5 is a very nice phone but it has many things that are deal-breakers for *me*:
      * Touchwiz is the worst bloatware POS used by OEMs
      * It’s a little on the large side
      * The physical home button is unnecessary
      * The heart beat and finger print sensors are gimmicks
      * The plastic chrome surround chips and looks horrible very quickly

      Many people will disagree but hey at least we have a choice :)

    5. You do realize this is the same for all the other high-end phones? The LG G3, HTC One M8, Sony Xperia Z2, I mean they’re all legit and have their merits.

  4. Home screen with “Mint” wallpaper

    1. Makes me want to puke green.

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