
It’s finally happening: AT&T’s ASUS Padfone X pre-orders open up next week


ASUS Padfone X ATT

Is it a phone, or is it a tablet? Those are just a few of the questions most consumers will be asking themselves after taking a look at AT&T’s upcoming ASUS Padfone X. The phone smartphone/tablet hybrid has been stuck in what can only be described as limbo for ages now. We actually got our first hands-on with the device during our Mobile Word Congress coverage back in February of 2013.

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Since then, the phone portion of the Padfone has received a slight hardware revision, dropping the brushed aluminum in favor of what appears to be a soft touch backing, while also upgrading that Snapdragon 600 to a more updated 800 chipset. The tablet portion features a 9-inch 1080p IPS display and can actually charge the phone while it’s being docked, making it perfect for passing it off to the kiddies for a quick gaming sessions in the car.

The real news is that AT&T is finally ready to discuss pricing and availability with pre-orders opening up next Friday, June 6th. The ASUS Padfone X will be sold for $200 on-contract, or can be upgraded via the Next program for between $20 – $30 a month. With a 13MP camera, micro SD card slot, and running on Android 4.4 KitKat, the Padfone X has aged rather gracefully. Check out AT&T’s quick overview video below for more deets.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

T-Mobile Uncarrier 5.0 event scheduled for June 18th

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  1. I might have been excited about this a year ago. That said, I hope it does well, so more resources are invested in a worthy follow up product or competitor.

  2. BEZELICIOUS on that tablet. ;-)

    Still wish it was available on T-Mobile…….

    The one thing AT&T has on the other three carriers is their selection of devices.
    YMMV on coverage, but, they’re excellent in my area,however,T-MO is a better overall value w/a very capable network in the same area, again, YMMV.

  3. If it weren’t for the OnePlus One I’d definitely buy this

  4. I was excited when it was First announced, but they took waay to long to release it.
    I dunno if I want it anymore.

  5. I want to see it in person but this seems like a definite potential upgrade over my current Nexus 5 + 7 combo.

  6. Compatibility with T-Mobile LTE? NO?…. I’ll let myself out.

  7. why not just put a phone radio in a tablet with bluetooth and make a true phablet?

    1. because 9″ is too big for a phablet?

  8. The phone is 200 on contract….. Why not mention how over priced the docking pad portion is gonna be

    1. $200 is phone + dock.

      1. Dude I don’t believe that for a second

  9. I thought it has always been announced with a snapdragon 800, rather than a last minute upgrade from the 600. $200 on contract is the phone + the tablet, which makes it a little better deal than just the phone by itself.
    I am kinda bummed out that they don’t use aluminum backing anymore.
    Oh well, G3 here I come!

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