
Newly-leaked OnePlus One camera samples showcase crisp 4K video, DSLR-like images

OnePlus One Low Light Test 1

Ready for even more OnePlus One samples? It seems we can’t get enough of these leading up to Wednesday’s grand unveiling, and each time we see samples from the on-board 13 megapixel sensor we continue to be amazed. The latest comes from prominent OnePlus forum-goer Martinrm, who has had the pleasure of using the OnePlus One for quite some time now.

He pitted the OnePlus One’s 13 megapixel f/2.0 sensor up against the Oppo Find 5’s 13 megapixel f/2.2, and a 13 megapixel Nikon D3100 with an 18-55 f/3.5-5.8 variable zoom lens. The tests were all performed under different lighting conditions and shooting scenarios, including broad daylight, soft daylight, medium light, low light and extreme low light, as well as macro shots.

The result? The OnePlus One was quite comparable to the entry-level DSLR, which is not something a whole ton of smartphone cameras can boast. The OnePlus One’s post-snap processing creates a more yellow tinge in various shots, but otherwise comes out looking like a very capable camera.

The low-light shots from the device are most impressive, with the phone able to handle photo taking duties in those less-than-ideal conditions nearly as well as the DSLR did. Of course, the Oppo Find 5 was quite the loser in many of these categories.

Also tagging along for this ride is a 4K video sample of a peaceful stream. While most of you probably don’t have 4K panels to see the true quality of the video, the 1080p playback does just as much to show us the prowess of the camera.

The OnePlus One captures a tremendous amount of detail — a moving ant on one of the leaves caught my attention just as easily as the waves of water rushing behind it. I can only imagine just how insane all of this looks on a 4K display.

OnePlus says their goal is to Never Settle, and with as much noise as they’ve been making about their camera sensor as of late we’re glad to see they’ve been able to stay true to that. April 23rd is the day where we find out if the rest of the phone lives up to those lofty expectations. Find more samples at the jump!

[OnePlus 1|2]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. um… wow =|

  2. Maybe my eyes arent what they used to be but i cant locate this ant he speaks of.

    1. correction my eyes are fine. i saw the little sucker! ha!

  3. Great, now just let us buy it without playing stupid games.

  4. Im floored by the low light tests..That is beyond amazing. What in gods name did HTC do wrong with their camera because compared to these low light shots….its phenomenal. This will be the phone to set the bar for the others to fix up their low light camera issues. Im only wishing they drop us a bombshell and say they will release for CDMA carriers as well…at least sprint…..but thats a womp womp, most likely

    1. That’s what I’m saying!? Like what’s really going on?

  5. That camera may be enough to sway me from buying the S5.

    1. Do iiiit! Buy the Oneplus!

  6. My new phone!!!

  7. now do a camera comparison between this and the new Oppo Find 7 :)

  8. what about learning how to focus on D3100?? should be a good idea…

  9. “leaked” this was posted on the OnePlus Forum because he won the Photo Mania Contest

  10. I think you have not configured Nikon d3100 properly while taking these pictures. Sharpness and Focus of DSLR is the area you can never compare with a Mobile phone. un-useful post !!!

  11. You should request raw photos. These have been edited. There is no EXIF data to verify the source. For all we know they were taken with another device or touched up in Photoshop. I asked this guy if he would take a picture of his phone with a slip of paper next to it with his name on it, and he said he wouldn’t do that.

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