
Mobile Roar Podcast: Happy Twerkey Day! Check out the week’s top news stories and Black Friday deals


While you’re preparing for your trypotophan-enduced day off, why not check out the Mobile Roar Podcast. Here, we’ve stashed the past week’s biggest mobile news stories, covering everything from Android, to Windows Phone and iOS. Watch, listen, or click — we’re only here to serve. Enjoy, and have a great Thanksgiving!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The News

KitKat News

Black Friday Deals



Joe Fedewa (@jayzeroeee) – WinSource.com
Chris Chavez (@GamerCore) – Phandroid.com
Kevin Krause (@youdontknowkev) – iSource.com
Edgar Cervantes (@Tech_Sasquatch) – Phandroid.com

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Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

Happy Thanksgiving from Phandroid!

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  1. Let it be known that the image used to headline this article has inspired me to eat less this holiday season. Thank you for that. :)

    1. Yeah, I gotta give you guys props on that one, very creative!

  2. That thumbnail is one of the most horrifying GIFs Ive ever seen.

  3. That pic made me a little sick…..

  4. Chris I don’t think I can ever forgive you for posting that thumbnail… Why you gotta give me nightmares man? :(

  5. Which end gets the poopsack?

  6. That picture is an insult to Turkey’s everywhere.

  7. I LOVE what you guys said about widescreen on mobile; it’s only good for watching movies! If you have a widescreen TV, there’s ZERO reason to have widescreen on mobile. The only exception being a 7″ tablet, which is great for reading. Anything bigger than that is awkward.

    For me, even a widescreen phone is too tall; I prefer the earlier iPhone’s 3:2 aspect ratio, which is perfect in my hand or pocket.

    Now if we can just get this thinking into laptops, we can get a more practical aspect ratio back on them.

  8. If Motorola advertises the Moto X phone as environmentally friendly, they should make a hemp phone.

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