
Get $50 off any tablet priced $150 or more at Staples today only; 2012 Nexus 7 for $120 from Groupon [DEALS]


‘Tis the season to buy your loved ones some pretty nice tablets. A couple of great deals have gone up this morning that will help you do just that. Let’s get Staples out of the way first, because you’ll only have until the end of business today to take advantage of tablet coupon

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

You can get $50 off any tablet that is priced at $149.99 or more, giving you a pretty decent discount on something like the Nexus 7 2013. The deal is applicable both online and in-store: you’ll need coupon code 18702 for online orders. In-store orders can be redeemed simply by showing the coupon to the clerk (either print it out or show it to them on your mobile device).

Groupon also has a decent deal for those of you who don’t mind buying a year-old tablet. You can get the 2012 Nexus 7 starting at $120 for the 16GB version, or drop $30 more for double the storage. You’ll have until midnight Sunday to take advantage, so you’ll have a bit of time to think about it (though quantities are limited, so you’ll want to think rather fast). Groupon is limiting this to three per person, with the option of buying two more as gifts. Go ahead and give it a long look at their website if you’re interested.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. If you have one of those $10 off coupons for staples they’ll let you combine it too.

    1. Only in store not online, and only certain $10 coupons that are in the system as “general” coupons, like the $10 off for signing up for email alerts

  2. Doesn’t work with already discounted SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 3 7.0,however, seems to work with all other tablets,even w/multiple discounts.

    Got a GALAXY TAB 3 8.0 for $199 using this code.Free shipping as well,VERY NICE.

    1. It does work with 7 inch store. Just bought 2. $119 & $105 open box

      1. KEWL,perhaps I shoulda tried w/a different browser/etc..

        Couldn’t get it to work last night or today,glad you were able to.

        EDIT:Just tried again,still can’t get it to take.Oh well,I already ordred the G-TAB 8.0 earlier today,just wanted the less expensive of the two,but,both are decent deals.

        1. in store. my bad missed that typo. this coupon essentially makes the thing 50% off at staples

          1. That’s cool,thought I was missing something.THX for clarifying,VERY COOL OF YOU!

  3. Newegg ran a deal for 50% off the LG G Pad 8.3 yesterday!

    1. Just tried to get it,see if they’d bend a little on the expiration date.
      No can-do,to no surprise,they sold 100% of the alloted amount they’d be compensated for by the mfg (LG) at that price.($175).

      Woulda been nice,didn’t hear squat from any of my subscribed feeds regarding this deal,C-NET usually is quick to pick-up on these crazy-good deals.

      Just registered w/NEWEGG,hoping this deal arises again soon……….

      1. I caught it via Twitter yesterday. They teased an “earth shattering deal” while I was at work and released it when I was home from work.

        Despite the reviews on the tablet being somewhat mediocre, I’ll still give the tablet a chance. I haven’t sold my Nexus 10 yet, so I have a reliable backup.

        1. Should you not care for it,P.M. me in the forum (KOLIO),I’d be interested in buying from you.

    2. Found a deal w/NEWEGG via e-Bay for $259.99/free shipping/tax free.
      Got it & cnx my order w/STAPLES for the SAMSUNG G-TAB 3 8.0 ($199.99).

      For $60 more,it’s a better bang for the buck,not to mention a better tablet,IMHO.

      Admittedly, not as good of a deal as you got,but,a $90 discount from everyday MSRP of $349 was enough to win me over.

  4. Doesn’t work w/ Kindle Fire HDX 7″.

  5. That coupon isn’t present on their website.

  6. Thank you for this ran put and grabbed a Nexus 7 for my mom. She loves it.

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