
Samsung goes big time with its own global developers’ conference this October


Samsung Developers Conference   October 2013

Samsung has made quite a name for itself in the consumer electronics world on the back of Android, and now the company has entered the upper-echelon. The South Korean company has announced its very own global developers’ conference, simply dubbed the Samsung Developer Conference.

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Taking place in San Francisco October 27th –  29th, Samsung DevCon will give developers the chance to “engage with industry leaders,” “collaborate with fellow developers,” and “learn about Samsung tools and SDKs.” They also want you to “create what’s next.” All buzzwords and taglines aside, this isn’t Samsung’s absolute first rodeo in the developers’ conference arena.

The company has held smaller events before to promote Bada and Tizen development, as well as development for its smart TV line. But this is the first time Samsung is expecting to attract developers on a global scale, and the first time they expect to be a tech destination for all eyes to be fixated on this fall.

Registration is not yet open, but those interested can submit their email address to get more information as the date approaches. Head to Samsung’s rather bare site and get that taken care of if you expect to attend later this year.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Here we go with the betrayer! Now their next step might be to upgrade their new Galaxy Line to TIZEN. You Samsung!

  2. This makes me anti samsung

    1. I’ll never understand that type of petulant attitude towards a company that makes mobile devices.

  3. I’ll never understand that type of petulant attitude about a company that makes mobile device.

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