
PSA: HTC One now available for pre-order at Sprint


Today, Sprint began accepting pre-orders for the upcoming HTC One. The phone retails for $199 on a new two-year contract and will begin shipping April 19th. The date is a bit later than expect due to manufacturing delays, but reserving yours today will insure you will be among the first to receive the phone.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The One went up for pre-order with AT&T yesterday and is expected to be available from T-Mobile as well. Rumors point to a release on Verizon down the road, but the official stance is that Big Red won’t receive HTC’s latest flagship.

Kevin Krause
Pretty soon you'll know a lot about Kevin because his biography will actually be filled in!

Hands-on: Facebook Home on the HTC First [VIDEO]

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  1. $100 off for new customers? Too bad I’m already with sprint…

  2. sprint data is atrociously slow

    1. Sadly…

  3. I think I’m going to pass on the 1. Trying to hold out on the Lg Optimus G Pro if it even comes to the U.S and its the 5.5 inch screen version. I’ve had HTC phones an now I’m rocking the GS3 so I think I wanna try a new UI

    1. New UI by one that clones touchwiz?

      1. Its way better than Touchwiz and a lot less bloated although the icons look similar which kinda sucks.

        1. I really have to differ with you there. LG’s UI is… Well, quite bloated.

          1. Anything compared to stock android is quite blooded that’s a given. Compared to touchwiz and old sense LG UI is rather light and runs a hell of a lot smoother, at least on my LG phones it does.

        2. It does look good, and seeing as I don’t like to be biased, I do think it’s a great phone. I hope LG succeeds and gets a few million sales. It could do them good to get a good name in the mobile phone industry. Which is the opposite of what people usually think of LG.

  4. They’re taking too long to roll out LTE, heck, when was the last new LTE market announced by Sprint anyway???

    1. Announcements mean nothing, when are they gonna flip the switch on areas?? My area was announced for second round and we’ve got a handful of towers that have been approved. I’ve been trying to hold out but now, I’m thinking of jumping ship to T-Mobile.

      1. I’m in the same boat. Been waiting on Sprint for years. Finally out of my contract th is month. Just waiting for Tmo to announce there pre order and it’s bye bye Sprint.

  5. Meh.

    I’ll get the One when HTC proves its committed to providing life-long timely device updates.

    Samsung just started improving on that, I don’t want to take a step backward.

    1. Samsung is very, very good at updates now. They are number one in the Android game, if they want to keep their customers (especially the loyal Samsung fan base) they have to keep updates coming. I was surprised and very happy when I heard that the S IV was being released on 4.2.2. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a skinned device released on the latest Android version.

  6. I still can’t believe they ruined the most incredibly beautiful android device ever made by screwing up the button configuration. Why couldn’t they just stick with the damn google standardized layout. Its simple… Three buttons in the correct order. I don’t wanna double click then drag and click again to get google now. Back – home – menu thingy button no one uses. TO SIMPLEX TO GET RIGHT I GUESS! UGH

  7. Tested one out today and didn’t expect amazing things from Sense 5, but I was blown away by how fast and smooth this device is. Very appealing. The HTC one deserves many, many sales. Not only does Sense 5 look amazing, but the aesthetic design of the phone just adds to it’s already great appeal. I suddenly want one.

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