
Motorola DROID 4 soak test invites being sent out


Next up on Motorola’s device upgrade train is the Motorola DROID 4, it seems, as users are reporting invites to a new soak test. Motorola didn’t share many details regarding what the upgrade would be, but considering the recent love being shown to the likes of the original DROID RAZR and DROID RAZR MAXX we might guess we’re in store for Jelly Bean.

We won’t know for sure until those invited to participate in the soak test have actually gotten the upgrade or until Verizon details the upgrade on its site. The timing of this particular thread — where Motorola employees are asking potential testers to prepare for a Jelly Bean upgrade by making sure their MEID numbers are accurate — might indicate this is the big upgrade we’ve all been waiting for.

Whatever it is, history tells us we shouldn’t be too far from seeing a widespread rollout shortly after the soak test has ensured Motorola that the upgrade won’t melt your device.

[via Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Awesome! Great to see the Droid 4 is still getting some love

  2. Right — this must be one of those “lacking in wow” Motorola phones I’ve been warned about…

  3. Glad to see Google is really boosting the update timeline

    1. this phone does not run stock android so its in Motorolas hands to send out updates…

  4. I’m glad to hear this is in the works, but I won’t participate in the soak test if asked because I don’t want to risk losing root.

  5. Is the USB Charge Only option back?

    Did Google add keyboard shortcuts to the Chrome browser?


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