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The best Android kickstarters this week: LIFX and iMpulse


Oh, Kickstarter… why must thou always take my money? The Kickstarter site has simply been a success, allowing companies to get the funding they need to produce these innovative products/services. Think of it as a portal where the company can ask us (the consumers) to pledge and “back” the project and get first dibs on these products.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

It is simply too hard to say no to such great ideas, and this week we have two of the most awesome Kickstarter projects we have seen in a while. At least for Android enthusiasts. These are iMpulse and LIFX.


This is the most exciting, as we have been waiting for smart light bulbs to come to fruition. Google has been promising their own Android@Home light bulbs for a while, but with no results. It has been far past the promised release date, and we still haven’t even heard of any announcements related to the light bulb.

Like many of you, I have simply grown tired of waiting. But just as I start realizing that I am better off controlling my lighting manually, this Kickstarter project comes and “brings light” to my day!

This is because the LIFX WiFi-enabled light bulb is a treasure box! It is full of features that we simply are not expecting yet. I mean come on, at this point I am happy with a light bulb that would allow me to turn the lights on/off with my smartphone.

The creators of LIFX take things to the next step by offering lighting in multiple colors. And not just any colors, you can pick from a plethora of colors; from natural lighting colors to red and blue hues. This little guy can even give you phone notifications! Imagine the lights flashing blue (or any color) when you get an email or message. We will probably even be able to set specific colors for different types of notifications.

The LED light bulb also allows for dimming, strobe-like effects, control lighting from anywhere with internet access and even set a night light for the kids (which turns off after some time). Not to mention LED light bulbs last for over 20 years and consume less electricity.

I know I am signing up for this one. You can get a light bulb by pledging $69, or more than one if you decide to pledge more. Sign up and you should get your LIFX bulbs by March 2013. Check out the video below for more details!

iMpulse Controller

Our Android devices are fun to game with, and many times powerful enough to run console-quality games. But any gamer will tell you that no matter how amazing the graphics are or how immersive the experience is, on-screen controls can destroy the potential in mobile gaming. Your fingers do get in the way, and your actions are nos as precise as they are with physical gamepads.

I won’t go too much into detail on this one, as Chris reported it last night. But I thought it was worth a mention, as it is still one of the best ones of the week.

We don’t always want to be carrying huge controllers to play on-the-go, though, and this is why iMpulse comes in real handy. The bluetooth controller is small and can be used as a keychain! So wherever you go, you will be able to bust out your keys and start gaming like a pro.

The device can also be used as a key finder and camera remote, so it is not only good for gaming.

Wrap Up

So there we go, guys. These are some great Kickstarter projects to take your Android experience to its full potential. Soon enough my whole paycheck will start going towards Kickstarters. I am most excited about LIFX, but I am definitely signing up for both. Are you? Hit the links right below to do so, and don’t forget to tell us what you think about these in the comments section.

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. The date on the bulbs should be March 2013, not 2012

    1. Thanks for catching that one! :)

  2. Maybe you can use the controller to control the lightbulb? Double win

  3. Both of these projects seem awesome. And I must say, Kickstarter is great too. I mean, think of all the great products that were never made because inventors/visionaries couldn’t get funded for whatever reason. When any inventor has a shot, think of the great potential.

  4. March 2013 for LIFX. They may be futuristic but can’t be delivered before you back the project!

  5. Companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to get usable LED lightbulbs. Without the wifi part. There are countless articles on why pledging for LIFX will result in your lost money. Just understand you’re giving them money in the hopes they can succeed where many international companies have failed. You are not pre-ordering when you fund a project on Kickstarter, keep that in mind, know that it is high risk, and you won’t be shocked if they fail.

    1. I’ve been enamoured with LIFX, so would love some links to what you’re saying here.

  6. Hmm imagine this the light bulbs dime and change hue a little as it gets darker outside since you set it up via wifi. Hue change is a good thing at night just look at f.lux for windows. After a couple of days you get use it it and it just feels natural. I have the minimum up at about 3400k and the max is at 6500k and you can change it back to 6500k if you are doing sensitive color work. Now imangine doing the same to your whole house it will help your eyes out big time.

  7. Honestly Mr Judge, my wifi light bulb is the one that downloaded all of those pirated movies.

  8. “This is the most exciting, as we have been waiting for smart light bulbs
    to come to fruition. Google has been promising their own Android@Home
    light bulbs for a while, but with no results. It has been far past the
    promised release date, and we still haven’t even heard of any
    announcements related to the light bulb.”

    I remember X10 since it was available on the Commodore 64!

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