
Original Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 gets Ice Cream Sandwich in the UK and Italy


The original Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is still alive and kicking, and Samsung knows it still has some regions which need the upgrade to Android 4.0. Italy and the UK are two such regions who are now getting Android 4.0 for the device. The Galaxy Tab 10.1 was the company’s first tablet to use Honeycomb 3.2, Android’s first tablet-specific operating system arc.

They’ve come out with many other tablets since then but the truth of the matter is that the Tab 10. is only a year old, and it still has some nice hardware that keep users from switching to the behemoths that have been released so far this year.

The WiFi version in then UK is getting the upgrade to be more specific, while the 3G version in Italy will be the one donning the frozen treat. Aside from the new goods that come with Android 4.0 you can also expected a slightly updated version of TouchWiz. [SamMobile, XDA via AP]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. FINALLLLLY now get it here in the US

    1. jelly bean, please!

  2. Hopefully this release will bring along with it updated drivers etc. to make a full / official CM9 build available. I’ve been running the nightlies for months now, and while it’s good, I still get random crashes quite often. As far as I know the drivers (mostly camera but also maybe graphics?) are what’s held the Galaxy Tab 10.1 back from getting RC builds.

  3. Great news. Can’t wait for it on my US 8.9!

  4. Why did they bother with ICS and not go straight to Jelly Bean? I find it ironic that a device that was release at Google I/I 2011 where Google announced that manufacturers and carriers would release quicker updates is finally getting ICS when other devices like the Motorola XOOM (I guess this must be an unofficial Nexus device) are getting Jelly Bean.

    1. Exactly, one of the reasons I choose this device is because it was handed to developers in Google I/O long ago. And this official delay from Samsung had been teaching me not to trust their timely updates and stick to Nexus line whatever brand google has partnered. But if I understand correctly, this Galaxy Tab is the old thick version not the slim that was handed at Google I/O, anyway it’s stupid knowing Android 4.1 has so drastic improvements and we are waiting for the old 4.0 version and will be waiting for the last version, maybe it will never get last version :(

      1. They’re showing the wrong picture (Galaxy Tab 10.1v). The update is for the thin version (GT-P7510).

        1. Right, so the title is also wrong, because the picture is indeed from “original galaxy tab 10.1” I’ve seen it named as “10.1v” as you said, but the update is for “Galaxy Tab 10.1 Wifi” – the one I have with Honeycomb (the OS my grandad used for the bees :).

          1. I suspect that they’re using the term “original galaxy tab 10.1” to differentiate from the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (not in reference to the 10.1v), and they’re using the wrong picture to go along with it. Phandroid almost always uses the wrong picture for Galaxy Tab 10.1 posts. Here’s a few examples:


            (notice that the link to the Walmart page shows the correct picture)

            And apparently, so does The Verge:

  5. Wrong picture.. again! You’re showing the Galaxy Tab 10.1v.

  6. Very interesting that its using a 3.1 kernel instead of a 3.0. Maybe JB isn’t too far off.

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