
Video: Make “Google Now” App Do A Barrel Roll in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean [Easter Egg]


In our last post, we showed you guys a video of 47 questions you can ask Google’s Voice Search function in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean (otherwise known as Google Now ) to get impressive results. In case you missed it, at the very end of the vid, we were treated to a rather awesome display of barrel rolling maneuvers when the voice search assistant was asked to, “Do a barrel roll.” The results were nothing short of amazing. Yup. I had to give this a go on my Galaxy Nexus and even made a quick video showcasing arguably the coolest feature to ever hit smartphones… barrel rolls. enjoy.

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Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Jelly Bean’s Voice Search goes round for round with, pummels 47 questions

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  1. Magical!


  3. bad ass!!

  4. Your laugh was the best part lmao.

  5. NO WAY >.> Google NOW just got so much cooler

  6. It’s always nice to see developer have a sense of humor.

  7. No offense but how many times can you possibly say “um” in a single video??

    1. No offense but……….. appox 11 times (I counted)

  8. It more or less works with the Android 4.0.x voice search too… The browser launches, goes to a Google search results page which then does the barrel roll, but not nearly as smoothly as on Jellybean.

    1. NOTHING is as smooth as Butter.. O_o

      1. Sadly, I won’t be finding out until JB ships for my VZW GNex… I’m praying that update hits before the end of the year… >.>

        1. Hopefully it wont take that long. Let’s hope Verizon makes it a huge priority since it’s a semi-major release :)

        2. Why not just try the dev preview? It’s surprisingly stable and has most of the important new features, if not, all the new features.

          1. In May I tried first tried to unlock my phone, then tried to root it… Nothing worked… The “Galaxy Nexus Toolkit” utterly failed for me and I still don’t have my phone back to the way it was. (Even restoring the backups I did before doing a factory reset failed.) I gave up because I need my phone to work more than I need it unlocked or rooted.

          2. That’s a shame. Here’s hoping you’re one of the first to receive the official release of Jelly Bean when the OTA rolls out.

  9. Hasn’t it been there since last year at ?
    But yeah, it’s nice to command it by voice. :-)

  10. Chris, your child-like sense of humor amuses me.

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