
Spacetime Studios announce new MMO Arcane Legends


Android users will soon be enjoying a new entry into the Legends series by Spacetime Studios. They’ve announced “Arcane Legends,” a new MMO that will give you three classes — rogue, warrior, and sorcerer — to craft your character with.

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This title is more like a fantasy game than the epic medieval and ancient myth vibes of yesteryear. Unfortunately we’re a bit far from a launch as they’ve only given “fall” as a window, but we expect to see some nice hype leading up to then.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Nice, Android can always do with more pay-to-win MMOs for gullible people…

  2. no thanks im not paying realworld money for a touch screen phone

  3. no thank you spacetime studios.

    Same Engine, another different skin

    You trying to be the Next Gameloft?

  4. I like STS’s games :). Ive been using free platinum w/o spending a dime, and Im having a blast! I will try this out for sure.

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