
Market app brings Ice Cream Sandwich camera to all Android phones


Tired of waiting for manufacturers to release their Ice Cream Sandwich updates but want to get a little taste to hold you over? You might not get access to everything Android 4.0 has to offer but, but thanks to one developer you can now get the ICS camera experience on nearly any Android device. Camera ICS is described as an “improved version of the official camera app included on Ice Cream Sandwich” and brings along panorama and time-lapse modes along with a handful of added features you won’y find in stock Android 4.0.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Camera ICS gives better control over picture and video quality, adds silent mode, and allows users to toggle video stabilization (on Android 4.0 only). More features are in the works. An ad supported version is available in the Android Market, while $0.99 gives you the ad-free experience.

Android Market Link: Camera ICS

[via Lifehacker]

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  1. this app is actually alot faster then the stock one. you can keep pushing the button and itll take pictures pretty quickly. good stuff 

  2. Seems good, but how long wil it take before it will be taken down from Market?
    I mean, can you just rip off a default OS feature (app) and then sell it?

    1. Agreed. I can’t reward someone for blatantly repackaging someone else’s work.

    2. I hadn’t even noticed that the GNex camera app didn’t have the effects like Sepia tone or all the picture quality and ISO settings. My fiance’s Motorola Triumph (Android 2.2) have all these options in an exhaustive list of menu options (not a good UI). A simple search of shows that these are all stock features just not brought out to the GUI.

      But anways, YES, providing a different GUI with new controllable features is definitely something you can sell as a unique product. Is that not what all the control widgets & apps (e.g. wifi, tether, 4G, bluetooth) are?

  3. doesnt support galaxy mini how can u say all android phones

    1. You can’t read. It says “Nearly any.”

  4. Does it let you use volume buttons to take pictures?

    1. yes it does: just installed on my OG Incredible

  5. I refunded since time lapse is only available for 3.0+ devices.

    1. get the time lapse app.

      1. I do have it actually. I look forward to having the real version on my Gnex.

      2. I do have it actually. I look forward to having the real version on my Gnex.

  6. Excellent recommendation. Just installed on my g2x with GB. Much more capability than standard LG cam, better interface, faster.

    Sent from my Xoom with ics, which, unlike ics camera app, i cannot recommend

  7. only thing i digged was the volume button configuration, still doesn’t beat the stock Epic Touch 4G camera app for 2 reasons: no pinch to zoom and touch to auto focus, would love to see volume button configuration for the stock app though, anybody know any hacks for the stock camera seeing that im stock rooted?

  8. for all the bells and whistles it doesnt take a good picture.

    1. I recently placed my Nexus One, Asus Transformer, Nikon J1, Nikon D300, Nikon D700, YaschicaMat EM and a borrowed Hassy Digital on a table and walked away for one hour. When I came back, I had found out that NONE of them had taken a photo, let alone a decent one. Imagine my dismay. ;)

      Side note: I was also dismayed that none of the cameras had mated with the borrowed Hassy before I had to give it back but that’s another story. :P

  9. Can this be launched from the Slide-Unlock screen?

  10. for the price it’s a bargain.

    my phone takes better pictures than my 6 year old nikon and upload and shares them too.

  11. why on earth is phandroid advertising/promoting work which has been basically ripped off Google’s own os and practically repackaged?

    This is appalling. It should be free since its not his work at the least. Poor decision phandroid

    1.  read article again:
      . Camera ICS is described as an “improved version of the official camera
      app included on Ice Cream Sandwich” and brings along panorama and
      time-lapse modes along with a handful of added features you won’y find
      in stock Android 4.0.

      1. Do you even own a Galaxy Nexus?
        if you do you’ll know it has nearly all the features this copied app has. It HAS panorama shots etc.
        Android is open source and tgerefore free. Using something which is free adding ads and twinkling a few stuff there and there and then charging the android users for is just pathetic and then for this site to publish and advertise it is even worse?

    2. Quit being a drama queen…..

  12. I cannot believe you that will jump on a developers case and knock him for taking an open source app and improving on it with added features and compatibility with devices and os versions that Google wont and asking a minimal price for. He is also providing a free version for those of you that don’t wish to pay anything for the benefit of an ics featured cam app on non ics devices. This is NO different than Launcher Plus or ADW. The took the stock launcher base and added more functionality and feature to which I was happy to pay for and continue to support. Keep in mind guys, open source means Google gets free development which they always incorporate into the next os releases and pay the devs that do it nothing but sell millions of devices on the backs of those new features.

  13. Is this the ACTUAL ICS camera app or just one modeled to look and behave like it? I’m going with number 2 since the camera is the one thing across all ICS ROM’s that devs struggle to get working. 

  14.  After installing the Apk on my Galaxy s2 running 2.3.3  and  then attempting to  unpack it, it says “There is a problem Parsing the package”.

    Is there a problem with the apk or is it my phone ?

  15. Meh.  Silent mode still makes the shutter sound.  Picture quality isn’t any better or worse than the stock camera on my phone (Moto Droid X), and the time lapse doesn’t work.  Not really seeing any reason to keep this app.  If I didn’t have the physical camera button, then maybe keep it since you can configure the volume buttons to do that, but besides that, I don’t see a need for this in my case.  Stock camera is actually silent, and I have a different app for time lapse, but would have been really nice to have that all in one app.

  16. Ari,

    I don’t know about other 4.0 devices, but, those items you listed, are on my Transformer Prime…

  17. Question is, do face effects work with still camera? Only has option under video mode on Transformer Prime… Which I didn’t understand.

  18. I just tried to quickly download the source code for the ICS camera and recompile it for Gingerbread.  Result???

    There are a bunch of compile errors due to the Camera class having different parameters pre and post ICS.

    So, you could do this yourself by spending a lot of time figuring out how to change the source code to compile in GB or pay the guy who already did it 99c.

    Oh, doing without is an option too.

  19. “Open Source is free” made sense when the platform ecosystem was viable and interested in uniformity of base premises, not crumbling and fragmenting.

    ICS isn’t free, it costs you the sacrifice of a perfectly good $300 8-month old smartphone you’ve been kitting and settling into, and another $200 to go buy what is ultimately not a substantially upgraded hardware device.

    Looking at it from this angle…..
    Samsung et al is f^%cking me out of all those default features, etc. and a reasonable warranty.
    This guy is trying to give it to me, and at a bargain price!

    Long story short: It’s not as simple as “It’s supposed to be free”. :)

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