
Use The Samsung Galaxy Beam To Watch Home Movies And Propose To Your Girl [Video]


And here you thought the Samsung Galaxy Beam was just for home videos and anime. In a move that’s sure to make the rest of guys look bad, Samsung uploaded a new video to their YouTube channel showing off a creative way to use their upcoming Galaxy Beam handset — by proposing to the girl of your dreams.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

In the video, a strapping young lad uses the Beam to project various outfits onto his body and at the end… (I’m getting a little choked up) at the end he pops the big question. Cheesy soundtrack aside, it’s a fun video. Just make sure your girlfriend doesn’t see it. You know, if you plan on using the more traditional ring-in-the-glass of champagne proposal method.

Oh, and here’s a bonus video of what comes after marriage, and how you can keep the kiddies distracted while you and your wife try to get a decent moment to yourselves. Anyone else think these videos are begging for an ASUS Transformer-like parody remake?


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

The Future of NFC Looks Great; If Only Widespread Adoption Were Accelerated [MWC 2012]

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  1. that was pretty stupid…. cool projector though

  2. She has such steady hands in the second video…amazing.  I’m sure the phone gives her the confidence to hold perfectly still with her arm outstretched.  You hear this ladies?  This phone will make you a better mother.

    1. haha i noticed that too

  3. both of these distances are about 5x further then what they say is “maximum projection distance” therefore its all BS false advertising

  4. Total and utter BS…. that bloke is clearly punching above his weight :) lol 

    1. If you never ask, you never know!

  5. This is great and I see all the haters out there. This is a different smartphone for a change. With every other phone coming out with the same specs and all competing. I love this phone. I currently own a samsung galaxy S2. Now Sammy should bring on the galaxy S3 and lets call it a productive year again.

    1.  Easy on the steroids there Macho Man!

  6. A great idea on how to make your loved ones happy, this is really easy and unique.

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