
Madden NFL 12 Now $.99 for the Super Bowl


The Super Bowl is quickly approaching and EA wants to commemorate the biggest sporting event in America by putting their game on sale. The game is now just $.99, $4 less than what it would cost otherwise. You get 32 teams with authentic playbooks and you can even play a full 16-game season, as well as the 2010-2011 playoffs where my Packers ultimately beat the Steelers in Super Bowl 45! That said, all this is only available for a limited time so you’ll want to jump on this quickly. Check for it in the Android market here (Galaxy Nexus owners need not apply just yet). [via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Rezound owners need not apply either.. you can buy but not play…

  2. It’s really annoying how nothing is compatible with the Galaxy Nexus.  Get it together app developers!

    1. For real. Although, you should’ve said “Get it together EA!”.

      I want to buy this freakin game, but I can’t due to the incompatibility with the gnexus

      1. I have no interest in this game, but the Market says that it IS compatible with my Galaxy S 1, running ICS.

        It’s interesting that it’s not compatible with the GNex or SGS2, though. I wonder what it is that makes my phone compatible, but more capable phones incompatible; can’t be the Android version (ICS) or screensize (800×480 for S2 and S1)…

        1. Interesting. Ya not sure…thx for the post

          Btw, freaking love your image :)

          1. Oh Yeah… well *that’s* just *like*, *my opinion* too, maaaan…

          2. Oh, come on Donny, they were threatening castration! Are we gonna split hairs here? Am I wrong?  AM I WRONG!?

    2. Android has too many variety of graphic chips that’s why.

  3. Is anyone having luck getting the game data to download?  I’ve tried several time over the past 3 hours and nothing. 

    Also, this game is not compatible with the Epic 4G Touch.  It is compatible with the HP Touchpad running CM9 though – booyah! (if the game data ever downloads)

  4. Galaxy II 4G Touch is a negative… Not compatible.

  5. Wow. Let’s make a game and then not let anyone play.

  6. Wow, the galaxy s2 and galaxy nexus are incompatible. Smart move by EA, considering theses are the top selling Android devices.

  7. Works just fine on my cm9 touchpad :)

  8. Perhaps they’ll make some money so they can fix SimCity Deluxe for my $500 dual core G2x and $500 quad core Transformer Prime.

    Both of which *are* compatible with the game.

  9. Works here on my EVO4G running ICS..

  10. Works great on Samsung Exhibit II 4G

  11. Can’t get it for HTC G2.

  12. Hmmm. Madden NFL 12 could not be found??? Seriously?

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