
Apple Extends Scope of Patent Lawsuits Against Samsung in Australia


More Apple patent news today? Sure. Apple’s feeling the heat from Samsung after the Korean company has been able to dodge numerous bullets and now they’re bringing out the big guns. Apple’s patent claims against Samsung in Australia once only covered three patents, but they have recently expanded that scope to 22 patents across 10 devices, bringing the number of claims up to 278.

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With the expansion, Samsung needs time to formulate a defense so court proceedings will likely be months from now. Apple won a victory in Australia over the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 last year but the short-lived injunction was not enough to deter Samsung from fighting the Cupertino company off. Samsung was already set to introduce an alternate model that steered well clear of infringement.

With the way things are going lately you’d think that Apple’s just looking to give these companies nothing more than a big headache and expensive legal fees. They’ve been unsuccessful, for the most part, in trying to get devices off of the market and it doesn’t seem like courts and judges will make anything any easier for them going forward. It seems like nothing more than a game of cat and mouse, at this point.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Be interesting to know when Apple’s supply contracts with Samsung expire.  I’m sure Samsung enjoys the profits from selling to Apple, but the way Apple keeps opening suits against them, you gotta wonder when they’ll give them the heave ho.

    1.  That’s in the works already.  Apple is starting to manufacture their own SoC’s for the upcoming iPad 3 and I’m sure iPhone 5.  Samsung was the only supplier of CPUs for them, LG makes the display, I think Toshiba makes the RAM/Memory.  Apple is phasing out Samsung as a vendor.

  2. GD Apple, wish they would friggin die.

  3. I guess Apple was not happy with the Germany court decision it decided to do an all attack on samsung. I just have a big feeling someone is going to be hurt really bad one of these days.

  4. LG didnt make the display… samsung did and they are making it again for the ipad 3….That’s a fact

  5. When will u learn apple…

  6. Pretty clear by now that Apple is not winning the patent war, but are just spending a lot of their money. Think I’ll buy one share of Apple stock so I can sue their Board of Directors for wasting money they should be paying out in dividends.

  7. Surprise surprise, apple is suing somebody. Oh wait, it’s Samsung you say? Nah, that can’t be. Apple would never sue Samsung.

    sarcasm, gotta love it. Apple is just wasting money. All they are doing is giving Samsung free advertisement. and here is a funny fact when typing in company names on my Swype keyboard, it automatically capitalized Samsung, but doesn’t do that for apple. hahaha

  8. Just wondering if/when someone or some government can step in and say “enough wasting our time.”
    I’m really getting tired of companies trying to stifle innovation and advancement in technology. 

    Just wondering how long before Apple sues Sony for making a handset with a non-removable battery…

  9. Hope CrApple goes bankrupt because of high legal cost. These lawsuits are just getting embarrassing. Oh well if you produce shitty products, how else can you compete. It’s the same story with Windows vs. Mac as we can see most people use Windows. I have a Mac currently, this is the last one I’ve bought, after that back to Windows. I am not interested on paying more for a product because this company is fighting expensive legal battles that do not go anywhere. Seriously CrApple use your money to innovate something it’s been awhile since you actually announced a new product.

  10. ATAST!! (And Then Apple Sued Them)

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