
AT&T’s Galaxy S II Gets Maintenance Upgrade to Android 2.3.6


AT&T is issuing an upgrade to Android 2.3.6 for owners of the Galaxy S II (not the Skyrocket, the original). There’s not much more to add than that since this was  simple bug-fixing upgrade so be sure to grab it with no delay and, as always, don’t panic if you don’t get it right away. Get to Settings > Software update > Check for updates to get started. [Samsung via

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Not seeing it yet. And thanks to SAMSUNG I have to either keep setting my date ahead a day at a time or actually wait 24 hours to check again. So stupid they did that.

    1. its to keep the servers from getting cluttered with people refreshing every second once they hear theres an update. installed it last night and it actually seems smoother, thought it wasnt possible.

  2. Btw seen the new snowboard game? http://tinyurl.com/c5phv6g

  3. Got the update on my Epic touch 4G (Galaxy SII) about a week ago! Very smooth update no problems since getting it.

  4. Got my update to 2.3.6 a week ago for my Epic Touch 4G (Galaxy SII) from sprint, very smooth update no problems, running great!

  5. Let me guess.  It adds blue overscroll. 

    1. yes.lol..i was wondering if anyone else got that or it was a problem.

    2. Yeah, I never knew when I reached the top or bottom of a list without a flash of blue before. Brilliant.

  6. I believe this update was to include the Commercial Mobile Alert Service to the phone; check it out – http://www.gmachine.net

  7. But now everyone is complaining that their batteries are draining 4x. Make SURE to grab EVERYTHING that’s new as soon as you can without knowing anything about it!!!

    1. It was SO good and ran SO smooth (said posters after examining it for 5 minutes) that it was pulled because none of those users could post any further comments 30 minutes later when their batteries were dead.

  8. my phone updates then does nothing…stays without the update

  9. it says it is  updating and then restarts. Then I get a message saying the update was interupted….could it be an apk on the phone that is blocking it from updating?

  10. No one seems to be able to answer my question…how come my samsung will not take the download. I click download and it downloads the update then reboots only to say download interrupted when it reboots and will not accept it….anyone know why?

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