
Motorola DROID Bionic Rooted Well Ahead of Release


If you’re the type who likes to buy a device until the “future of root” for it is certain – and if the DROID Bionic is on your radar – you’re in luck. Apparently, the folks at MyDroidWorld have already found a method to root the DROID Bionic. It looks like it’s the same method being used on most new high-end Motorola phones. Their source loaned them the “tools” (and by tools I certainly do mean the DROID Bionic) to get the job done and the result was obviously satisfactory. Now we just need the device. [via Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. No official release date? Are you sure about that? The ads saying the 8th have been running since yesterday.

    1. I seen the ad on MTV on Tuesday around 1130 at night

  2. Just trying to understand, Will that satisfy the unlocked bootloader crowd?

    1. No, all that does is give you super user privileges. An unlocked/unencrypted bootloader, along with root, is required to be able to load custom roms. You can’t get there with root alone.

      1. You can load custom ROMs, just not custom kernels. It’s a fine line, I know, but for the most part, it’s really not that limiting having a locked bootloader to the average end user.

        (Owns a D2)

    2. More than probably not. Root and Unlocked bootloader are two different things. I’m a former D1 and now a D2 owner, and I can tell you that there is some measure of difference, but now that the whole 2nd-Init ordeal has been sorted, there’s not THAT huge of a difference anymore; presuming 2nd-Init procedures will work. Also, however, Google’s acquisition of Motorola may lead to Motorola finally making good on the promise to allow unlocking of bootloaders for legacy and new devices.

    3. No, but it’s still very good news for most users..

    4. I guess it will, people complain so much about the bloatware it is so funny. Some of those apps are just sitting there without consuming any memory at all

  3. As long as it wasnt a development, tester phone this is good news for having root before its even out. If it works on retail phones I will be rooting as soon as I get the box open.

    1. It was a consumer device

  4. The release date has been confirmed

  5. ARena app dont run on the og droid :(

  6. I went to my Verizon store today and hey allowed me to order the Bionic now. They said it would be shipped to my hom.e on Sept. 8th

  7. I just now got off the phone with a Verizon customer service rep. She said that she can not confirm any date. She said that the Bionic is not showing in her system a of right now. (i’m pissed, why they playing these games?)

    1. They always do

  8. Talk to the store manager. That’s what I did.

  9. The Duke Nukem Forever of phones.

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