Google Docs for mobile has been updated with a new look and added features to further bolster Google’s portable document solution. Documents can now be sorted by several criteria including name and date last modified. You can further narrow your list of documents to view only the items you need, a must-have for those of us with collections of word files and spreadsheets growing by the day. But of all the additions, the ability to share documents is most welcomed. Sharing is a core component of Google Docs, and here the options mirror the desktip equivalent.
You won’t have to do anything but direct your mobile browser to to experience the changes.
[via Google]
the share feature doesn’t work in a standard way. I was hoping share would allow me to share to Samsung mobile print so I could print directly from Google docs. Instead it just lets me share via email address. #fail
Not really fail, as it works as in sharing with other people. You want to share with a 3rd party service, which it’s not intended. #fail on you.
It doesn’t allow you to share. It allows you to email. Hit share from the android browser and you will see real sharing options. Still a #fail