
Cincinnati Bell Releases Froyo for the Motorola XT720, Includes Root Access and Titanium Backup


Cincinnati Bell didn’t wait around for Motorola to issue their OEM upgrade to Android 2.2 for the Milestone XT720. Instead they have released their own ROM for installation on the device, and in an unprecedented move for a carrier they have included the tools you will need to root your freshly updated handset. In fact, it looks like the only way to install the update is by first rooting your device before flashing the ROM. Included is an Android Commander program that utilizes SuperOneClick to grant super user access and includes Titanium Backup.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but we have never seen anything quite like this before. We suppose that’s what happens with a carrier eager to satisfy their customers despite lack of support from the OEM. It certainly isn’t the easiest update process imaginable (no OTA here), but CinciBell has done their best to make it as painless as possible. More details at the source link below.

[Cincinnati Bell via @Syrenz32]

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  1. Hope other providers are taking note of what customer service is like…

    1. Yea…this and the news that some carrier overseas had Sense UI removed so some phone could get a GB update…which I didnt even know was possible….

      US carriers REALLY need to take notice.

  2. Every Android phone on the market should come with these features and options regardless if they are used or not. It will make so many people happy.

  3. O2 (UK) did a 2.1 (OTA) update for the Dell Streak. So it’s not the first time its happened. Hopefully this is better than the O2 update. It reduced the features off the 1.6 dell software.

  4. This is a very cool development!

  5. Sprint, take notice.

    1. sprint is now going to allow people to remove pre installed apps like sprint tv if the users want to…..big step IMOP

  6. Now that’s taking ownership and providing real customer satisfaction! :D (applause)

  7. This is the best news I have heard all year. Right on C-Bell you are aces. Now maybe other carriers will follow suit

  8. Wow! I didn’t know ANY carrier even planned on doing that! That’s great news for Cincinatti Bell customers. +1×10²°!

  9. Makes me proud to live in Cincinnati:)

    This story needs to be WAY bigger news!!

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