
Yo Quiero Samsung Galaxy Tab? Taco Bell is Giving them Away


Taco Bell, Pepsi, and Samsung are teaming up to giveaway the Samsung Galaxy Tab as part of a text-in-to-win promotion. Unfortunately, they aren’t giving away the brand new Galaxy Tab 10.1, but rather the original 7-inch Galaxy Tab. All you have to do is guzzle down a large fountain drink. Actually, you just need to buy it and read the code printed on the cup, text in said code, and wait to be instantly notified of whether or not you are the proud new owner of a fancy Android tablet. We just heard the tablet might be receiving a Gingerbread update in the near future, so who knows, this prize could be getting a little more appealing next week.

[via Taco Bell | Thanks, Jay!]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Taco spelled backwards is o cat!

    1. LoL!! :P

    2. Haha, that is funny, not them too!!!

  2. ok, so you but “it”, meaning the drink… for a moment I thought “it” means the tab.

  3. Translated title: “I want Samsung Galaxy Tab?”

    How should I know what you want?

    1. Tú quieras Samsung Galaxy Tab?

      (Finally three years of Spanish finally pays off :))

      1. Tu quieres Samsung Galaxy Tab is the correct way.

  4. They need to do this with the newer tablets, screw the OG tab.

    1. So, do your friends call you DICK? Or Dick Boy?

  5. So the means I have to get something from Taco Bell, I already feel the burning sensation coming from my neither region. OH well its worth it for a free tab !!!!

    1. Hot in Hot out

  6. Taco Bell, Pepsi, and Samsung are teaming up to betrayal the Samsung Galaxy Tab as allotment of a text-in-to-win promotion.

    Samsung c3300

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