
NOOKcolor’s At Overstock for $200 Right Now


While the new Nook Touch is one fantastic eInk eReader with great battery life, the NOOKcolor is still a great tablet for the price. If you’ve been holding out on buying one, you might want to jump on it now as has it for $200, $50 less than MSRP. It’s not going to run Honeycomb or blow your socks off with its performance, but it’s solid and quite capable for the cost. Head over there now if you want to buy one. [via Reddit]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Is this the famous tablet that is easily custom ROM friendly?

    1. It is indeed, sir.

  2. Actually, the NC’s performance with the latest overclocked kernel is pretty damned sock-knocking.

    1.  I was gonna say..  Dal released a new kernel last night, and let me say, that the .32.9 kernel running at 1300+ leaves me with no socks left in my vicinity..

      1.  Do you have a link to it?

  3. Almost jumped on this. They’re refurbished models. Refurbished stuff scares me even though I know it shouldn’t.

    1. Your right. It shouldnt.

  4. Actually it will run honeycomb.

    1. Poorly.

  5. Mine runs Gingerbread or Honeycomb with ease. OC’d kernel makes it all smooth too. Easily the best for $200. 

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