
Netflix for Android Updated with Support for New Devices Including Original Droid, Blocks Access for Rooted Users? [Update: Working Fine]


Netflix has just launched an update to their Android app coinciding with the launch of the LG Revolution for Verizon. The Revolution ships with the movie streaming service pre-installed, but it isn’t the only Verizon handset gaining support for the app. The original Motorola Droid and the Casio G’zOne Commando have been added to the list of supported devices, adding to a handful of HTC and Samsung handsets already prepped for instant access to Netflix video.

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[UPDATE]: Several users have tweeted our way to confirm that Netflix streaming is not being blocked on rooted devices. We still aren’t sure what is going on in the anecdote retold below, but those users who are keen on hacking and modding their phones should be just peachy to download the new update.

While we haven’t been able to confirm, we have been receiving reports that this update might also come with a very big downside. Netflix might be jumping on board with Google Movies and Blockbuster, blocking rooted devices from accessing video streams. One user with a rooted HTC Incredible — one of the first handsets to gain Netlix support — received the following error message after launching the update:

It looks like Netflix has been deactivated on this device. It could be an issue with your account or perhaps your device was deactivated on

After checking on his desktop, the same user verified that his Netflix account was still in working order, leaving us to believe something may, in fact, be going on. We must stress again that this is unverified information, but we felt it worth mentioning. Any other rooted users out there losing access to Netflix once updating their app? Let us know in the comments below.

[Thanks, romma, Neil, and JDog for sending this through!]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Working fine on my EVO with CyanogenMod 7. Methinks that dinc user’s problem was a PEBCAK error.

    1. This site is getting way to eager to report things without verifying them first.  Yes I know they put in a disclaimer but it still hurts their credibility. 

  2. Still got it working on my Inc.

  3. what about my xoom??? :(

  4. Today’s version(1.2.1 build 843839) still works for me on CM 7.0.3 on N1.

  5. Still slow as hell to load on my inc running the latest MIUI port, but is working!

  6. No update here. CM7 Thunderbolt. AFAIK, the app should tell you when there is an update, just like it did in the leaked builds

  7. I want a Honeycomb version.

    1. Did you try this new version on Honeycomb?  I was going to try it on my Acer tonight.

      1. It doesn’t work. I tried through the tablet and the online market.

  8. Still works on my CM7 incredible. Interesting, in the release notes, says they “removed the check that prevented attempt to playback on unsupported devices”. So sounds like people shouldn’t need to mod their phones for it to work on unsupported devices any longer (or install a customized apk), and that they got LESS restrictive, not more so.

  9. Works on my rooted Droid with Bugless Beast.

  10. Totally insane that u can’t get it on my touch 4g …totally inane

    1. I totally agree…the MyTouch 4g is a beast of a phone and can handle anything thrown its way.  I just ( 2 weeks ago) switched from my old Nexus One only to be left out of the Netflix party.  MT4G has plenty of internal memory, fast processor, and most importatly 4G speeds, in fact other than screen size it is very similar to the Evo 4G also by HTC!

  11. Another example of the MPAA/RIAA geniuses driving their own customers to illegal downloads instead of embracing new technology.

  12. Wouldn’t that be a PEBCAS error? there is no K on an Android ;-)

  13. Still no support for LG G2X. 

    Is there support for any Tegra 2 device?

  14. Please don’t smear Netflix.  It’s working fine on my rooted, Cyanogen Droid Incredible.   They’ll get my money instead of those other two video providers.

  15. No problems using it on my rooted Droid Incredible. I did have netflix access randomly deactived on my Blu-Ray player after I activated on my DInc though — strange.

  16. Rooted EVO, playing Netflix now.

  17. Definitely a PEBCAK error.  I have a DInc running CM7.0.3 and Netflix ran before the update and after the update.

  18. More random phones, more disappointment, Netflix is at least consistent in it’s ability to disappoint.

  19. AAAARGH no DX!

  20. Works fine on CM7 Droid. Works beautifully, actually.

  21. Working fine on Droid 1 w/Cyanogen 7.0.3.

  22. month goes by and only 2 phones added to the supported list … is it really that hard to get apps to work per device?  

    1. Well remember that they want to make sure that the device you are streaming to will give you a great experience. Would you want to use the service if the streaming is crappy enough you can’t even see your favorite movie? Of course Netflix doesn’t want that and they want to make sure that you have the best experience possible so that you keep paying that nice price on a monthly basis, cause if you are a happy customer why would you switch to a different service.

  23. Works fine on rooted Inspire running Leedroid v3.0.3

  24. This guy just had too many devices on his netflix account. It drops a device when that happens. confusing, “but nothing more to see here”.

  25. Works great on my MT3G SLIDE running CM7

  26. Seriously.  One guy.  ONE guy.  ONE GUY reported a problem and you felt that worthy of mention?  I’ve got to update my RSS feed.

  27. Hopefully everyone Will have a chance to enjoy netflix. It is the BOMB

  28. This what happened when you guys ROOT YOUR PHONE.

    1. If you want to be stuck on 1.5 for the life of your device, then go ahead.

  29. That error message he reported is because he’s already has his 6 netflix ready devices activated on his account….i was getting the same error on my mytouch 4g then i logged in to my netflix account on a pc and deactivated 3 out of 6 netflix devices and now im having no issue what so ever…im running CM7 NB 86

  30. I ran into the “perhaps your device was deactivated” error on my non-rooted Nexus One. I called Netflix and apparently they’ve had a bunch of mysterious device deactivations (it sounded like it wasn’t limited to Android). The fix is to clear the data for the Netflix app.

    More details here:

  31. I uninstalled/reinstalled the App on my phone, and everything is working fine now

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