
Dozens of NFC-Enabled Handsets Due this Year, Says Google Technical Lead


We’ve been hearing a lot about NFC lately, a technology that is not altogether new but with plenty of room for development and expansion. Google is making a big push for the technology, as evidenced by the inclusion of NFC support in Android Gingerbread and the Nexus S handset. While big G, handset manufacturers, and financial institutions are all getting behind NFC in hopes to bring one-touch payments to the larger market, but the limited availability of handsets with the proper hardware is a major stumbling block in the widespread adoption of such a system.

That will change, and soon, according to Nick Pell, Google’s NFC Technical Lead. At Google I/O he revealed that to his knowledge at least a dozen NFC-enabled Android handsets will find a release by the end of 2011. We already know that HTC plans to release a beefed-up Sensation-like device featuring the capabilities, and Samsung has an NFC-ready variant of the Galaxy S II in the pipeline. We get the feeling Google will push partners to make NFC a standard in most Android devices going forward, so the number isn’t all that surprising considering the rate at which new handsets are released.

[via IntoMobile]

Kevin Krause
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  1. What’s the big deal about nfc? I see no advantage to this other than being the cool thing , cash and debit are fine with me. If I lost my phone I’d be screwed you know

    1. Using it for payments isn’t currently planned as it’s not secure. For now it will be for things like passing contact information (phone to phone or phone from tag). It can also establish a bluetooth connection between phones for tranferring larger amounts of data than the tag can transfer. Without having to go through pairing rituals more complex than having said devices make contact to establish a connection.

  2. As long as it can be turned off, I really don’t care. 

  3. CanDMan,  You are misinformed.  NFC will be used for payments starting next month.
    Stay tuned for more information. E-Wallets are coming. NFC  will replace all your credit cards, Coupons, loyalty cards, drivers license, house keys, car keys, hotel keys. It will allow you to buy from vending machines and pay with your credit cards. IT is secure and all credit companies are onboard the NFC bus. If you lose your phone, you can wipe it using a website on the internet. Your info will all be saved offline so your new phone will be able to get all your info back.

  4. Will it keep people from being able to cheat on FourSquare?  I those QR codes would… maybe RFID?  NFC seems like it could be built into a coupon/check-in type system…. hmmm.

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