
Spotify Mobile App Now Available for All (Still Not in the US, Though)


If you have been a Spotify Free user jealous of premium users and their access to the Spotify app on mobile devices, today is your lucky day. The music streaming and download service has made their Android app open to all users, bringing the ability to sync your Spotify playlists wirelessly with your smartphone.

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Unfortunately, Spotify is still unavailable for those living in the United States. That may change soon, sort of. Recent rumors suggest Spotify is in talks with Google over a new-format Google Music service. When and if that happens, it may be the only taste of the wildly popular music player the US gets. For everyone else, feel free to download it now.

[via Spotify]

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  1. Still no sync for me from cloud to phone. Even no Stream.
    Spotify just downloaded from France (v
    “Premium Needed to Stream”

    Look like you can sync from PC to phone… o_0

  2. Actually, they just allowed the syncing of own songs to the phone. Not the music streaming service to free/open/unlimited accounts. For the music streaming service you still need the premium account

    1. Not true. I’m a free user. Just downloaded the mobile app and can stream tunes.

      1. Lutin what version of Spotify are you using on your mobile ? (Android ? or IOs ?)
        You from ?

        1. Android. Version UK.

          I didn’t have spotify installed on my phone, so I just downloaded the latest from the market.

          1. Really, really sorry. I got this wrong. I played one of my playlists on spotify, but it just so happened that I actually had the album stored locally on my phone and didn’t realise. Spotify was smart enough to pick it up locally.

            When I tried to play something that wasn’t on my phone, it wouldn’t play.

            Really sorry if I misled.

  3. And for that Winamp do it good ! :)

  4. But they did just bring in a limit of 5 plays per song to all existing free users, which is probably why they’ve only just allowed free accounts access. So overall, I’d say it’s a turn for the worse.

  5. Been a premium user for a long time now. Mobile app is amazing. I take it the free users will still have the 20hr limit on the app?

  6. PREMIUM <3

  7. Can we get the app files to manually install in our US devices?

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