
As We Approach XOOM WiFi’s Launch Date, One Lucky Customer Got His Early From Staples


The Motorola XOOM WiFi is slated to launch at major retailers this Sunday, but one lucky reader of Droid-Life’s got his in the mail already. He pre-ordered his from Staples but did it over the phone instead of at the retailer’s website. This sometimes happens when you preorder devices with telecoms over the phone, too. We’re really just reporting this story to let you folks know how jealous we are. Oh, and we want to know if any of you end up getting yours a bit early, too. Let us know here if you do.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Nice.
    Will probably trade in the Verizon Xoom for this, since I never got Verizon service with it anyway.

    1. you will trade the verizon xoom for this?you said for this,right?ummm,hmmmm.uhhhhhh.huh!!

    2. was funny for a really not a tablet guy so excuse me.i thought it was only for fault.

  2. My brother in law picked his up at the store yesterday…guess they didn’t know about the launch date. He loves it.

  3. Costco Site now says ‘Shipped March, 24″

  4. Wife said its at the house waiting for me…today

  5. I’ll be waiting 10 more weeks to save $100 and a couple millimeters with the Tab 10

    1. But you will have to put up with Samsung screwing with the interface…

      1. Samsung didn’t screw with the Interface, they added some stuff that can easily be removed. Know your facts.

        1. If you honestly believe Samsung can be trusted with a mobile device, you are truely an ignorant fool (google samsung epic).

          1. If you honestly believe samsung can never be trusted with a mobile device, google the samsung galaxy S.

            Some strange American phones aren’t all of Samsung’s business, unlike motorola.

          2. samsung did fine their phones american, carriers are the ones that screwed it up google i9000 :)

  6. Dunno if its even worth it with all the Hot tabs coming out. *shrug*

  7. That box looks nicer than the one the 3g version came in.

  8. Got mine at lunch. I’m loving it.

  9. Loving my iPad 2. The funny thing is I’ve done everything not to be another apple fanboy. However, their products have consistency. I know my iPhone & iPad will get the next up date. Do you?

    From my iPad 2

    1. East of the IOS updates bring more feature and so called “fixes” but in reality it makes the iphone less usable and bring more headaches to the users. At least that’s my experience with iphone for over a year of using it. I’m glad that I went with Android phone (Captivate). I just love installing custom ROMs. At least it’s more stable now than my iphone.

    2. well lets thank steve jobs for a good job on that ipad 1.5 hope you have fun spending your money on that granpa leapfrog tablet with mediocre camera…
      and btw you are a “Apple Fanboy” plus your stuck in apple’s ecosystem so you can never get out…

    3. Yes I do. Mine will be free. Will yours?

    4. Ha Thats funny. No, in fact you won’t get the next update, that is unless you buy the iPad 3.

  10. Picked up mine at Staples today too. It was the last one so people grabbed them fast.

  11. buying tuesday wheni get my nice overtime check :D not sure what im going to do with the other $2400

    1. You could buy me one… Just a suggestion, but please do! :)

    2. where do you work and are they hiring?

  12. Looks good. Hopefully this will boost sales a bit, but the Samsung is still sleeker, and the Evo View is not a complete toy…

  13. Amazon ETA 3/29 bday 3/30 womp womp!

  14. Herbie130, we understand that your iPad is a nice rectal toy, but we really don’t want to hear about the details of how you enjoy it……

  15. Decided to buy one at Best Buy today in SF Bay Area, but because release date is tomorrow, the price tag for today was $10,983! So I put down a $50 deposit which also got me a “free” $50 gift card that I can use toward purchase price of $599 tomorrow. Will pick it up in the morning. Woohoo! Just playing with it and looking at camera quality and other specs looks like it is a better investment than iPad2.

  16. Got mine Friday. Yes, two days early in Northern California!

  17. So true.

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