
XTR3D Aims to Bring a Kinect-Style Gesture Experience to Android


We’ve seen stuff like this before, but never has it looked this interesting. A company called XTR3D has posted concept videos of a new gesture-based navigation and control system they’re working on that’ll allow users do what they need to do without having to touch their devices.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

In the first video, a pair of kids are playing a racing game on their phones where the hand is used to steer instead of tilting the phone. This use case seems a bit pointless considering the accelerometer offers more compelling gameplay for the racing genre.

The second use case looked great, though. A guy sits down for his morning breakfast and props his tablet up to check the news. He waves his hands back and forth to switch between sites. When his wife (or whoever that beautiful lady is) calls him, he simply holds his hand up to accept the video call.

The concept is great, but we all know it’s really about execution. If they are able to bring something to market that looks like this and looks this good, I’m sure they won’t have any problem generating interest from investors, users and developers alike. Check out the videos above and below. [via Droid Gamers]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Same video twice

  2. They are working with Texas Instruments

    1. Yea I remember seeing some stuff like this trying to find info on TAT at T.I. site last year.

      Now that I think about its a coincidence that RIM bought TAT last year. The Playbook is using an OMAP chip.

      Seeing the rumor about Motorola and a new OS they shoulda bought TAT.

    2. Today just isn’t your day :)

  3. *Insert your mother’s name* SUCKS

    1. Wow you troll on a bunch of other sites as well? Your lame. Its called a job, get one.

    2. I thought you had a Disqus profile on Engadget.

      1. You weren’t as much of a douche when you were DaSofter as you were with some of your other ones.

        1. If it makes you feel any better I got banned once by that douche Nilay. Luckily I appealed to Topolsky and he reversed it.

      2. Yeah I remember you. I would be careful about what I say on Phandroid now because this isn’t Engadget and any trollish comment will be spotted more quickly. Besides DaHarder isn’t here anyways.

        Edit: Not that I have a problem with him or any of the new Mods on Engadget anyways.

  4. Poor Mary… that guy was a total dick for hanging up on her like that.

  5. I seriously doubt this without additional hardware. Just look how clunky and massive the Kinect is.
    I wouldn’t need it on a portable device anyways. 95% of the time my iPad is in my hand or lap. I’d feel like an idiot using hand gestures.

    1. It just uses an existing forward facing camera, that’s why they showed it using the original Galaxy tab. Another company showed this off almost a year ago using a Nokia phone with a FFC.

      EDIT: Found it! http://www.slashgear.com/eyesight-unveils-worlds-first-mobile-phone-music-player-with-hand-gesture-control-08101266/

      Kinect’s 3D IR capture system enables other features allowing for full-body mapping in games. This just needs to ID and track your hand and fingers, the parts of your body that will be closest to the device.

      Since you’ve clearly stated that you’re an iPad user… You’re just going to have to wait until Apple brings this feature out on the iPad 2 (or future iPad models) because a 3rd party company sure as hell won’t be allowed to officially implement this in iOS. YOU may feel like an idiot using gestures with your iPad but ALL Apple users won’t even get a choice or chance to use them… thank Apple for that one. iPad users get to look forward to being forced to deal with fingerprints and smudges on their iPad’s screen. No ifs, ands, or buts about that.

      1. if we’re talking about basic UI conventions such as ‘hover’ then it will have to integrated deep into the UI.

  6. It looks cool, but might not be that useful, really. Phones and tablets have relatively small screens and can’t be used very effectively if they are out of your reach. And if they are within your reach, it’s not a big deal to just touch the screen. Most of the time the device is in your hand so the gesture isn’t even that useful compared to the touch screen. I’d love to see something like this for your TV, PC or music player, though!

    1. Think about this use case: you are in your car and your phone is your gps. You wouldn’t have to touch it while driving.

    2. Another thing you’ll probably use all the time is hover over a link or picture. It’s especially missed in many flash games on the web.

  7. -we have the powerful mobile processors and super high DPI screens, much better DPI than your TV or monitor
    -we have the stereoscopic 3D screens
    -Sony xperia play has the controls and I hope other android OEM’s will follow
    Now just combine everything with this for the ultimate games device.

  8. One word repeated three times…batteries batteries batteries.

    Even for tablet based devices that will still wreak havoc on battery life.

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