
Thunderbolt’s March 17th Launch Date All But Confirmed?


After the handful of dates we’ve thrown at the wall to see whether or not they stick, March 17th looks to be the most sticky. Following evidence from Android Central late last week that it could launch this Thursday, an HTC rep posted on Twitter that it definitely would be here by then.

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That tweet has since been deleted, but HTC has posted an update on Facebook notifying everyone that the launch date will be announced soon. New evidence today has come together to help give us even more hope of a March 17th date. For starters, a Twitter account supposedly belonging to the folks at the new Verizon store in Fishers, Indiana has tweeted that they’ll definitely have the Thunderbolt on sale this Thursday.

Secondly, Droid-Life is hearing from their sources that the device has gone from “quantity on order” to “quantity in stock” in their warehouse inventory system. Looks like they’re ready to ship, if that’s the case. Finally, reports are swarming from pre-orderers saying Best Buy has called them to notify them of the March 17th date. Those pre-orderers were urged to set up an appointment for that day. We know many of you have moved on, but it may finally soon be over. [Thanks, Ankit!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. It’s looking like first! Just let this east go already!!

  2. Thanks for the shout out.

    A VZW insider whose been very active for the past few weeks on AndroidCentral has also made a post in the last fifteen minutes about how “the office is going crazy about the Thunderbolt” and that we will all “have our beloved Thunderbolt in our hands by Thursday.”

    There’s more evidence for this date than any other date in the last two months, so I am heavily betting on a Thursday morning release, just in time for people to drop and break hundreds of T-Bolts while getting hammered by green beer.

    Or, maybe it’s a test to show off how durable the T-Bolt is regardless of the number of people in a drunken stupor who have fallen or stepped on your phone by the end of the day.

  3. Incredible 2… Pimpslaps Thunderdud

  4. Wow the light at end of this LLOONNGG tunnel? I really want this phone. I know people have been saying it’s only single core phone, but I don’t need anything faster. And as far as it going obsolete when the newer phones come out so what. If you can tell me that the specs for the Bionic wont be obsolete 6 months from now your crazy. Smart phones go out faster than anything else right now. All I want is an HTC phone with a bigger screen. My incredible does everything I need it to do. I don’t care about a phone that can download pages 3 to 4 seconds faster. If people want that great, but some of us don’t care about 3 to 4 seconds. I won’t buy a Moto or Samsung phone. Once you have an HTC you won’t buy another. HTC Sence is awesome and the phone looks great. IMO! I hope the 17th is the date. CAN’T WAIT FOR IT!!!!!

  5. I feel like we are going through another HTC incredible deal. Waiting and waiting and waiting for the dam phone to come out. Geez man just come out already.

  6. I want this Tweeter to orchestrate my contract with Verizon–then I could cancel with no ETF due to his poor grammar and cite the resulting lack of clarity.

  7. Careful, the light may be a train ;)

    Mass manifestation, or real?……… Seems odd zero VXW info from stores or anywhere else.

  8. @ Richard.. Interesting point considering the Incredible 2 is a smaller 4G free version of the Thunderbolt. Same processor and all. But valid comment?

  9. Scott. Couldnt have said it better. Same boat with the incredible. Plus I hear this 1ghz processor is going to be a next generation which means its going to be pretty darn fast.

  10. That’s cool. I live about 2 miles away from Fishers. Hey Quentyn, can you tell us/me the address of the store? I want to go shake this guy’s hand, even though I’m on Sprint and waiting on the EVO 2. I’m just tired of scrolling through all these failed release dates. Be happy, VZW customers. The end (of the wait) is here.

  11. I so want to just move on and NOT buy this phone… BUT I want to/am going to stay with Verizon and the options for a 4″ or greater Android phone on their network are so slim I feel like i have no choice but to get a Thunderbolt. I know there is the Fascinate… running 2.1 STILL, and the Droid X… but it seems too out dated to risk buying NOW. I could wait for the Bionic, or the Incredible 2, etc… but with what has gone on with the Thunderbolt release date who knows HOW LONG that could be. Sigh… I was hoping for a good start to my summer, but who knows now.

  12. I so want to just move on and NOT buy this phone… BUT I want to/am going to stay with Verizon and the options for a 4″ or greater Android phone on their network are so slim I feel like i have no choice but to get a Thunderbolt. I know there is the Fascinate… running 2.1 STILL, and the Droid X… but it seems too out dated to risk buying NOW. I could wait for the Bionic, or the Incredible 2, etc… but with what has gone on with the Thunderbolt release date who knows HOW LONG that could be. Sigh… I was hoping for a good start to my summer, but who knows now.

  13. Really hoping Verizon drains the wallets of 4G phone users! Serves early adopters well especially since you don’t know exactly how much ‘faster’ 4G is going to be over 3G. And even if it is faster, Verizon is definitely going to make you pay. Ha!

  14. I own a Blackberry Storm 2 so yes, I will be buying this phone. I understand when the Bionic or iPhone 5 comes out my phone might be obsolete but the phone I have right now is ANCIENT.

  15. I just wish the Bionic would come out at the same time, so we could more easily compare the two.

    As it is, I’m having a hard time deciding whether to drop by Best Buy tonight on the way home and get in on the $50 pre-order. :-)

  16. Luck of the Irish!! Happy Birthday to me- wow I never thought Verizon would release the phone on my bday! YayYY! lol

  17. I agree with Scott. I had the eris when i got an upgrade i gave it to my son. I have been thru 2 moto phones and hes still using the eris. I want an htc with a bigger screen is all.

  18. Cautiously optimistic… went through this with my DInc. I don’t need if for the G’s…I need 4.3″ screen that isn’t the shape of DX.

  19. @Matt Benn
    Your phone is not ancient, I am using a BB Storm 1 and am getting this phone.

  20. @JRT
    the phone i am using is a 9-10 year old sumsung with an extendable antenna……and you thought your phone was old. my phone doesn’t have speakerphone or anything really. just talk and text lol


  21. 11760 Olio Rd, Fishers IN 46038

  22. come by and ask for Kyle, this is my store!

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