QuickOffice is one of 17 developers working on Honeycomb-optimized Android applications, and they were on hand at Google’s event in Mountain View to show off the slideshow portion of their offering. We weren’t allowed to get video, but just looking at pictures of the app shows me that they want to focus on converging the desktop and mobile experiences.
On the left hand side, a pane shows thumbnails of all your slides while the right hand blows the slide up. You can edit the order of the slides by dragging and dropping them, but we weren’t shown much more than that. We hope to get a look at other parts of this tablet-friendly version of QuickOffice pretty soon, but these images will have to suffice for now.
Now if I could just connect a pico projector to the tablet . . .
What you see is what you get. I bought both QuickOffice and Docs To Go when they first came out on the Market. I never received 1 update from QuickOffice. Even the QuickOffice app that came preloaded with my G2 was newer than the version I bought from the Market. Furthermore, the app I bought from the Market is nowhere to be found now unless I purchase their new version. However Docs To Go never forgot their original customers. I must say I am quite displeased with QuickOffice, to say the least, and will never support buying anymore of their software.