
Amazon UK App Now Available in the Android Market


Those folks across the pond waiting for their chance to shop the mobile version of will wait no longer. The app has just launched into the Android Market bringing with it the ability to search, compare, and read up on products before purchasing them right from your phone.

The app prices items in GBP and supports Amazon Prime memberships and 1-Click purchases. It’s all free in the Market now for those in the UK, follow the Amazon source link below to get it.

[ via AndroidCommunity]

Kevin Krause
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  1. “It’s all free in the Market now for those in the UK”

    It’s free in the Market for users in the UK

    I know you’re American but at least try not to completely mangle the English language.

  2. easy there captain grammar!

  3. Captain Grammar – I’ve spent my whole life looking for you. Now prepare to feast on my death ray of punctuation: add a comma in between American and but to obtain a suitable English sentence. Have-at you !!!

  4. So what’s with the space before the exlamation marks? :P

  5. Anyone else not able to find the app?? Even via the Amazon direct link it isn’t there for me.

  6. @tim7168 Ah! So it’s not just me then

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