
Corona Game Development Tool Now in Beta for Windows


Corona, a game development tool for Android and iOS, is spreading its wings a bit with a newly available beta for Windows. What was once Mac-only software due largely to the Mac-only Xcode compiler for iOS games can now be leveraged by Windows-based developers wishing to give the coding tool a spin.

While iOS games will still need to be ultimately compiled on a Mac, Android developers can do everything required to create a final working game right from the Windows version of Corona. A license will set you back $199 when using the software for a single platform, but if you wish to develop for both iOS and Android the price rises to $349.

[via AllThingsD]

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  1. Corona is a fantastic tool and being able to dev on Windows is a great move for Android games.

  2. so when are we gonna start seeing good game apps like the ones on ios like rage

  3. Nice , so were gna start seeing some better games on android ?

  4. @JR – when android marketplace revenues make it worthwhile… Google are working on it!

  5. most android paid games suck due to ndk. 2.3 should have corrected it. wait and see what sony will bring with the playstation phone.

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