
Dolphin Browser Mini Emerges From Beta


Dolphin Browser Mini has been available in the market for some time now, and even though it didn’t feel that way, it was still only in beta. Today, it’s reached version 1.0 and drops that beta tag. From the recent changes section in the Android market:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • UI upgrade (menu and toolbox)
  • Add Bookmarks Label
  • Add on demand / enable flash plugin
  • Data backup and restore
  • Quick access to clean data.

Other than that, it’s pretty much the same fast, lean, mean, and quick version of one of the most popular browsers on the Android market. Go ahead and find the latest version there.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. If you have android 2.0+ then don’t bother with this.
    Dolphin Mini is for android 1.6 devices, it’s an updated version of the original dolphin browser (non-hd)
    For more details on the difference between versions:

  2. I actually legitimately like this more than the HD version. The tabs on this one just make more sense and look nicer to me.

  3. The only thing that bothers me with this browser is that you can’t scroll past the address and tab bars. So, if you’re in landscape mode, and you pull up the on-screen keyboard, you literally cannot see the field into which you are typing. The tabs, address bar, and keyboard fill the entire screen.

  4. Agreed. It’s clean, it’s fast, has Flash support and Chrome bookmark sync (although I use Opera Link, for my sins)…and there’s no tab limit like in HD. Which is of course completely logical.

    Wait a minute.

  5. ManiacalShen: try fullscreen. I never used it on HD but started on Mini and it’s great. Want your tabs? Hit Menu, or use the volume keys to switch.

    My gripe is that you can’t copy text from a page body, and it doesn’t play nice with the Gingerbread text position marker.

  6. @ManiacalShen I have had similar problems with the HD version. I was recently trying to enter a comment on FB but because the text box was as the bottom of the page, the keyboard would hide the box and I could not tell what I was tying.

  7. @ManiacalShen
    That’s why you go into the bowser menu by pressing ‘menu’ and then pressing the ‘Fullscreen’ button…

  8. How is it different then hd. I just got hd yesterday and love it so far. Anything really better about the mini?

  9. Much nicer than the HD version and has almost the same features. I particularly love the speed dial feature but regret that it allows only 12 max.

  10. love this version of dolphin. it is superb, and the scrolling is VERY similar to the default browser, which is the main reason i go back to it after testing other browsers. well done :)

    wish we could theme this one from other colors than the green tho

  11. Hopefully they dropped the porn bookmarks. Half the defaults used to be to high-traffic porn sites.

  12. I ditched Dolphin for Miren Browser a while ago and haven’t looked back.

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