
Sony Officially Outs the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc


Sony’s just finished up their press briefing here at the Las Vegas convention center, and just as we expected them to thanks to a pretty revealing banner spotted earlier, they’ve announced the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc, a new Android 2.3 smartphone with the first mobile display to be powered by Sony’s Bravia Engine – the same technology used to power their beautiful televisions.

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The Arc will have the ability to output full 1080p HD video using an HDMI-out connection, and aside from the revelation that it’ll be running Gingerbread at launch, we didn’t get much more than that in the way of details.

I’ll be headed out into Sony’s booth – they’ve had the exclusive privilege of showing their wares off early – and I’ll be checking back in if I can find this thing and get some face time with it. Sony’s also announced a new line of Bravia TVs which will have Google TV technology embedded, and we’ve learned of their new content streaming and sharing service, Qriocity. Alongside the Playstation 3, you’ll be able to download the Qriocity app to any Google TV unit.

The only thing to do now is to see if I can go find all of this. We’ll be back with details soon enough.

EDIT – I’m having trouble uploading the images I’ve taken in person, so we’ll just link you to the story we ran earlier regarding the device until technology stops being mean.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Motorola XOOM, Droid Bionic, CLIQ 2, Atrix 4G Official [VIDEOS]

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  1. Quentyn, tell kevin to stop being a little bitch and putting quotes when refering to Magenta’s 4G. It’s annoying as fuck.

  2. Article related post:

    No front facing camera? All I can say is Fuck that. We live in a word where a ffc is required. I must say the Lg Optimus 2x is looking like my favorite device, followed closely by the thunderbolt.

  3. @Kellr We live in a world where ffc is required? What world are you living in? If I ever see somebody walking down the street talking into a phone in front of their face, I’d probably laugh at them. That is more antisocial than Bluetooth headsets (those little one ear ones which you can barely see).

  4. 1. Yes.
    2. Earth…

    Hmmm that might be a ffc. For their sake, I hope so

  5. I like it, but it seems to has that skin.

  6. Ffc is a bonus to some. I don’t need it bc I text most of the time.

  7. Quentyn – Ask them what are they doing to insure SPEEDY updates to the OS. Unless they can get their phones to update within a month or 2 of the Nexus S, they fail.

  8. the motorola atrix seems like the best device from ces so far its an all in 1 package ffc dual core 1gb ram upto 48 storage 4 inch qHD screen the only downside and unfortunately a big one is motoblur but from those specs im sure xda will be all over it

  9. I second post #1.

    I think that the concave back this phone is sporting looks really annoying. It curves away from your palm. Features that make a phone more difficult or uncomfortable to hold are not high on my list of things I want in a phone

  10. Keller is going to have a heart attack over quotations who gives a fuck why does that hurt you so bad? TMO sucks anyway

  11. @Keller, I swear I can see one?

  12. If HSPA+ is getting quotations, then so should WiMax. Real 4G is LTE, rest of those are like 3.5G-3.9G

  13. Nice body. Reminds me of my old Sony Ericson candy bar that I used as a dial up modem to check my email circa 2001.

    Interesting to see a Sony-Google ecosystem forming here.

  14. LOL single core. What the hell is wrong with this company?

    Make nice QWERTY X2 —–> sell for $1000

    Follow that up with a sexy X10 —–> wait 2yrs to release

    Big carrier picked up X10 a year later —–> still didn’t update android 1.6

    Now a beautiful Arc with supposedly android 2.4 —–> decided to stick with single core CPU

    Seriously, how hard is it to learn from 3yrs of failure?

  15. Ffc is only required if you live within the Apple reality distortion field. For the rest of us, it’s just an option, nothing more.

  16. FYI – Bravia TVs blow

  17. this phone really appeals to me, i hate different UI’s (stock all the way) but ive played with an xperia and this skin is very VERY nice, i would really like this phone.

  18. @momo

    If you think Bravia tv’s blow then you clearly have never and will ever own one. Go back and play with your pix-elated vizio which is all you can probably afford.

  19. probably wont go past 2.3 so who cares

  20. I think its pretty sexy myself!

  21. cool good stuff to own one, great look and afterall its SONY

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