
LG Optimus Black and Revolution Expected to Be Announced in Mere Moments


The CES press day is about to kick off with a big LG press conference (you can see a live blog of it right here at Phandroid), but Engadget has scooped a couple of items early that should be getting an announcement in just a few moments here in Las Vegas. The LG Optimus Black and the LTE-equipped LG Revolution.

The LG Revolution looks to be Verizon’s version of the Optimus 2X and will ride the waves of 4G, while the Optimus Black promises the “power of light” in an ultra-thin package with a hi-res display. Sound familiar? That’s because all signs point to the Black being the LG B we first broke news of back in 2010. Plenty of exciting things to come from LG today for sure, and we will be checking them out on the show floor all week.

[via Engadget]

Kevin Krause
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LIVE BLOG: LG Press Conference @ CES 2011

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  1. This phone looks amazing, I hope the performance is up to par and all the hype. LG could finally become that leader and move away from the cheapo stuff they generally put out. looking forward to the phone coming out.

  2. Just based on looks alone it seems like LG is finally ready to step it’s game up in the smart phone world. Hopefully they perform as great as they look. And if so I may have a reason do ditch my Captivate if the Black hits AT&T.


  4. You say back in 2010 like you’re that hip and up-to-date on everything. You young kids and yours short time references! =0)

  5. waiting for motorola to announce their phones and tablets

  6. Damn, that black looks HOT

  7. Ok. NOW we’re talkin’!!! LG has taken the lead in the dual-core battle of the beasts!!! I love it

  8. Man what about us Sprint users!!! That LG Optimus Black would be my next phone if there’s a version that comes out for Sprint.

  9. If the Revolution comes out with 2.3, I might drop my Incredible for it.

  10. Looks n sounds sweet! My dink my have to move over.

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