
DROID 2 Global Maintenance Update on its Way, Bug Fixes Galore



It’s not Gingerbread, but you absolutely can’t get mad at a round of bug fixes. (And yes, folks, I promise to one day stop referring to Gingerbread whenever a maintenance update is released.) The Motorola DROID 2 Global is set to get an over the air upgrade sometime soon, and it does little more than fix bugs and improve device performance. Here’s the list of improvements courtesy of Verizon:

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+ Device now prepends 011 to Country Code to send
SMS messages.
+ Device no longer indicates “No Service” after powering up.
+ Device no longer resets when changing from Global Mode to
GSM/UMTS communication.
+ Device now refreshes the user interface display when switching
from GSM/UMTS to Global Mode.
+ Eliminated the blank screen when dialing the call forwarding
string *71.

Other improvements:

+ Improved audio during voice calls.
+ Reduced user interface lock-ups.

Yummy. The update will be 15.6MB and should be versioned 2.4.330 whenever you pull it down. We can’t imagine this won’t slip out over the weekend so keep hitting that System Updates menu and let us know if you folks are able to find it. [via Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Would be nice if there was some news on bug fixes for Droid 2’s european cousin :/ (Milestone 2).

  2. @Karnka

    No chance. Moto won’t update you if you don’t live in the States.

  3. I wouldn’t expect Gingerbread for anything on VZW besides a brand new phone for months yet…we all know how Big Red likes to test things to death, and some carriers (cough cough Motorola) tack on development delays of their own.

    This is specifically what has me hesitant about getting a Droid X when my renewal is up later this month…I either want to wait for newer VZW phones like that Evo clone, or jump ship to T-Mobile for a Nexus S.

    I dunno though…I’m hesitant to give up VZW coverage, and the S has some design decisions I just plain don’t like. If it wasn’t replacing the N1 as the “me first” phone for OS updates, I wouldn’t even consider it.

  4. Any way to pull the update before V schedules the push? Also, any issues with getting these updates after rooting?

  5. My Droid 2 Global just got the 2.4.330 update today (Dec 21, 2010) around noon EST.

  6. I have a rooted droid 2 global and the update will not install troubleshooting now anyone else in the same boat?

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