
WiMAX Radios Working on Cyanogen Mod for EVO 4G



Lack of 4G keeping you away from Cyanogen Mod? The folks at XDA have been working day in and day out on getting the WiMax radios inside of Sprint’s most popular phone – the HTC EVO 4G – to work on AOSP ROMs. Donations have been pledged and over $2,500 is reportedly in store for whoever comes forth with the solution. After many long, hard months, we can finally say that the bounty is just about close to being claimed. Testers have been hammering away all night at the solution and the group responsible is confident that the drivers will be stable enough for every day use in a future iteration of Cyanogen Mod. Check this XDA thread out to follow development. Now we just need that HDMI cracked wide open and it’ll be oh, so perfect. [Thanks, Jonathan!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. OMG YES!!! Been waiting for this for a long time. Congrats to shinzul and toast. Thank you so much for your hard work. I can’t wait until this becomes user available. Hopefully this weekend :)

  2. HDMI is already done, just waiting to be implemented into the ROM. Of course 4G took priority.

  3. I can’t wait for this to hit nightlys! This is the only thing that has kept me from running CM full-time.

  4. well we still need a way to update our PRL as Sprint is a CDMA network … maybe we need to start a bounty on that next …

  5. If you need to update PRL, just flash a sense ROM and update it and nandroid back to CM. Easy as that.

  6. wow 4g on sprint is slow on download speed not bad for upload speeds

  7. Who wants to flash a sense rom, then flash back to cm? That’s too much hassle and and should have been integrated into cm

  8. @ Paul
    it will be intergrated into the ROM now that 4G is working. Prior to this it wasn’t in the ROM so that was the only way to do it.

    Actually the tester is getting 15mbps down and 1 mbps (capped) up. Nice try with the hate, but you fail. Over at xda is all documented with photos and timestamps.

  9. @Garet

    4G speed depends on how many bars you receive and current bandwidth usage on said tower. I’ve had consistent 8-11 mbps DS in NYC. Get your facts straight, bud.

  10. @garet
    know what you are talking about before you say it….

    Mb = 1,024 kbits
    MB = 1,024 kbytes (8,192 kbits)

    Just for you to comprehend.

  11. Actually had a Evo 4g sorry guys where I live Chicago area I got better speeds on my Vibrant then with the Evo I know it depends on the area and what not.. I have my facts straight ;) and the Evo was also very inconsistent maybe I had a defective Evo cause Pandora would not even play without pausing.

  12. HDMI is done? Does it mirror what’s on the screen? I’m still confused by what exactly my HDMI port on my EVO can do, thus far it’s become quite a dust collector =/

  13. Well as of right now your HDMI can only play back videos and pics from your gallery. But once this is applied to CM, whatever screen you are running on your EVO, it will be displayed on your HDTV. Basically Mirroring whatever is on your phones screen.

  14. Great job to toastcfh and shinzul for getting 4G to work on CM.

  15. ^ agreed ^

    They really worked nonstop on this.

  16. Haha Garret Owned you guys

  17. Don’t forget Shift

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