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Nexus S Live Wallpaper Available for Rooted Devices


Everyone who doesn’t want a Nexus S and doesn’t plan on getting one still wants to Ginger-fy their phones. We’ve gotten the keyboard and a LauncherPro theme, so getting the new version of the Nexus wallpaper is only fair. Those of you on rooted phones can install this today (and if your phone is rooted then you shouldn’t be lost when it comes to following the steps to install it.) Instructions can be had over at XDA.

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Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. So it’s kinda like the original nexus one but different?

  2. that’s disappointing :( i dont want to root my phone, hell i dont even if there’s a root for the NexusOne with the latest update

  3. Not working on Droid 2 or Droid 2 Global.
    DANG IT!!!

  4. Grats to those who like this… (I prefer the original Nexus wallpaper)

  5. @Alexander, Yes, it’s pretty much the N1 LWP with a background behind the moving dots. It’s not bad though.

    @Maj, You need root to be able to write to the /system/app directory.

    @CurrentWeb, at first it wasn’t working for me after I moved the .apk into my /system/app, even after a reboot… but then I checked the permissions and set them to the same as the old LiveWallpapers.apk was, rebooted and it worked after that. So check your permissions.

  6. @David K, what permissions have to be checked?

  7. This wallpaper comes preloaded on my Fascinate but its kind of boring compared to the other wallpapers my phone provides.

  8. Try the Nexus Revamped wallpaper on the market. Works just as well and you don’t need root.

  9. Sorry, CM’s customized version of the stock wallpaper is still better than original stock or the new one :)

  10. @luke easiest way is to check your backup LiveWallpapers.apk and copy those permissions. Mine is set to User – Read & Write, Group – Read, Others – Read.

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