Logitech Revue Framerate Issues Being Investigated


I’m sure you’ve heard by now: Google TV is out. It’s out in a few different forms, in fact. The experience isn’t all that rosy for everyone, however, as some Logitech users have apparently been met with framerate issues when trying to watch content (most visibly while watching fast-paced video, such as a football or basketball game.)


Logitech’s been able to confirm the issue and they state that they have been working closely with the Google TV team to peg and fix the issue as soon as possible. Here’s the official quote directly from their forums:

Thank you for your feedback about Logitech Revue causing the TV picture to skip frames and for sharing information about your home entertainment setup. With your help we have been able to confirm that in some cases Logitech Revue is dropping video frames, resulting in a staggered image.

With Logitech Revue, it is our priority to provide a high quality TV experience, and we recognize that this issue is affecting your enjoyment. Logitech and the Google TV team are working hard to find the root cause of this issue and to develop a solution, which we will share with you as soon as it is available. We will keep you updated on our progress through this forum thread.

We do apologize for your TV experience being less than perfect.

Be sure to follow this thread at Logitech’s site to stay updated on their ongoing efforts if this is a problem hindering your experience. [via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Why is it this way with all new hardware, don’t they test any of this stuff? I understand that they can’t test every possible variation, but, watching fast paced video? Isn’t that one of the main reasons you get this product?

  2. I’m with you MVTom

  3. They do send samples to testers but then the testers are eager to please the manufacturers so they say (All is well) Sometimes they get to keep the products they test and that’s what they interested in and nothing else.

  4. Apple TV $99

  5. Apple TV is just a device you can use to buy content from Apple. It’s not in the same league as Google TV. It’s more akin to any of a multitude of network media devices on the market, many of which are better.

  6. I have got my Revue Friday and it has been working flawlessly. I wonder if this issue happens under certain conditions that might not pertain to my setup.

  7. All you need to do is sync up the picture between your set top box and the revue. when i changed the format on my set top box to 720P the issue went away.

  8. I was having framerate issues yesterday while watching Sunday Night Football over the air (no cable/GTV for me). It had never happened before. I think NBC was having issues yesterday.

  9. @Ajay, I am glad that solution works for you, but “synching” did not work for me. My TV is 1080i, and I set the Revue to 1080i and HD sports *sucks*.

  10. The easiest place to see it is on any channel with a text crawl, like ESPN or CNBC. If you watch the text, the dropped frames are very noticeable.

  11. I noticed this as well Sunday while watching hockey with my Revue set to 1080p to match my TV. It was not constant though. It came and went over the course of the game

  12. I bought the Revue and thus far have been disappointed with certain, but not all issues. First, frame rate causes skips on nearly any program or video. I use Netflix as a primary source for movies but have many of my own. I’m finding the issues to be substantial enough for me to return it and purchase a computer with a tuner, which will do everything the Revue does, or any Google TV device, and then some. The picture quality only suffers when using the net, not with personal videos. Finally, the unit will stop playing and go blank. I have to rewind a few frames to get it back or reboot and start over. GRRRR

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