
Android 2.2 for the Samsung Galaxy S (GT-i9000) Being Pushed Out Now


Well there seems to be a very good reason why Samsung decided to pull the source code for the upgrade to Android 2.2 for the Galaxy S from their OpenSource site: it’s now being pushed out to GT-i9000 devices in several regions (if not over-the-air, then definitely through Samsung Kies. These regions include Denmark, Norway, and more. Other European regions should be on the way shortly.) I feel bad getting so excited for you guys considering how hesitant and errant Samsung’s been with pushing updates out lately, but it seems they aren’t holding back on this one. Head on over to Samsung’s support site now to get Kies and to see if the Galaxy S in your region is finally ready to get down on a bowl of Froyo.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Grrr Kies the bane of the SGS

  2. would be great to see some screenshots how the interface looks now.

  3. Sweet.

    Results after update:
    Linpack: 14.15 MFLOPS
    Neocore: 55.7 FPS
    Quadrant: 1017… idin’t know… “units”?

    And it feels snappy. :D

  4. I downloaded Kies Mini for the Samsung Captivate, but it doesn’t seem to connect to my phone on 64bit Windows 7. Anyone else have this issue? Anyone tried the full version of Kies with the Captivate?

  5. I struggled with the drivers for an hour… but eventually after uninstalling Kies Mini and reinstalling the drivers got squared away.

    I was able to use Kies to get the update1 for 2.1… If anyone can get 2.2 (state side) post a comment… I’ll have to unroot it again to actually update…

  6. I have just updated to 2.2 using Kies. Several others have done the same thing here in the office. All have the same problem, after upgrading Android Market is gone….

  7. What is Kies? I have the samsung fascinate should I just wait for 2.2 ota update?

  8. I got samsung kies. Why does it take forever to conncet? Also what exactly do i have to do to recieve the update?

  9. Should you wait for the OTA? Based on the experience of a lot of other early adopters…probably. Remember when 2.2 came out early for the Evo? It wasn’t official and everyone who update was screwed b/c then the official update didn’t work. But if you’re comfortable backing up and rolling back if necessary, give it a shot. There also seem to be several issues with the DroidX 2.2 update.

  10. My advice is to wait for an fix before updating

  11. This is only for those not in the US. All the US models will have to wait for each carrier to release and OTA update. Kies might have the update for US models at a later date but for now those in the US are SOOL until each carrier approves their version of 2.2

    I’m betting my mid November statement that I have been mentioning all along will hold true, especially since the US are just now getting an update to fix the GPS.

  12. Yeap, I just did the update & it only gave me the GPS fix. Anybody wanna buy a Vibrant?


    All you morons trying to flash this to your Epic4g,Vibrant,Fascinate,Captivate are fucking retards. LEARN TO FUCKING READ.

    Wait for your carrier to drop it. NO ITS NOT GONNA WORK IF YOU FLASH IT. No its NOT the same phone. dammit.

    i await the 900 threads on xda of ppl bricking there phones if they get it to flash or bitching cuz it wont flash to there AMERICAN galaxy phones.

  14. The I5000 (american model) and the I9000 (European model) both have the same internal workings. Take a valium Neto, yelling at people this early in the morning will put you in an early grave. (but from reading your other postings, maybe that’s a good thing)

  15. Anyone know how to update through a Mac? Kies is only for Windows

  16. I realize that this update is currently for the Euro version. My comment was that I happened to find a version of Kies for my US phone. It was not available previously. So, I wanted to see if I could get it to recognize my phone, which I did. I did not expect to update my Captivate to 2.2 yet. I know it’s not released yet. I watch these forums enough to know. Geez.

  17. Hi You guys know that by updating to 2.2 android market is no longer on the phone? Only way to get i back then is to do a factory reset

  18. @Neto
    In our country (US) we have a medication called Xanax. I don’t know what it is called in your country, but I suggest you research it and try to obtain some. It might help.

  19. @Pal Pot: I updated today through Kies with no problems yet – only good things to say so far! Perhaps it has to do with where you live? I’m in a Scandinavian country. Market was there waiting for me after the update :)

  20. At least we know 2.2 will be available OTA bug-free I’m hoping, real soon. I’ll wait for it to arrive through Verizon.

  21. @ToastnJam and Whoever else is getting angry at @Neto.

    Although Neto didn’t really express himself with kindness, he is right. These updates will NOT work with the American models. In fact I have heard of many people flashing other eu roms to phones like the captivate using Odin, and having to flash back. Even though they are the same internal workings, there are some differences. The rom images are also different too.

  22. Maybe Neto can do a Google search and learn a little Netiquette. The majority of his comments are bitching people out and going off like he’s got bi-polar issues. Regardless of whether 2.2 works or not, there are better ways of communicating with people than the way he’s currently doing it.

  23. @Kale

  24. I agree with toast, nobody is going to take him serious when he’s calling people morons and F’n retards.

  25. @Kale
    I am running the Samsung Galaxy 9000i from Norway, I have 4 other collegues that run the same model. All of them are missing Android Market after upgarding

  26. I heard your suppose to hard reset your phone and the market is back

  27. Hard reset does the trick, but I am waiting to see if there is some other soultion first

  28. To get the Marked app back, without doing a hard reset. You need a filemanagere (like Estrongs or Astro)

    Go to /system/app and install Vending.apk

    It may force close the first time you run it, but after that its good to go!

  29. Samsung KIES has seen an update as well, being the latest version (the previous was
    I live in Spain but my system is set to Portuguese, but haven’t seen the update available. Maybe, after installing the latest KIES it will show up. I’ll report on that later.

    Also, as I have my Galaxy S rooted (I needed the no-lag fix really bad), do you think it is going to interfere with KIES enabling the update on my device? Should I unroot and uninstall every mod before the firmware upgrade?

  30. I just received an update on my Vibrant. I hope this is Froyo

  31. Hey we just wrote a guide on how to update your GT-i9000 device right now regardless of country, through a registry hack with Kies. Check it out here ht tp : // bit . ly / bNP jMJ

  32. No Froyo in Germany as of 01:00 16 Oct 10…..

    Downgraded my Hacked Froyo to check for update. Now I remember why I upgraded to Froyo in the first place. Eclair is slow and clunky…..

    — Jim

  33. @ JIM
    Your last line made me laugh. :)
    I’m using the tutorial careace.net. I have installed Froyo on my SGS.

    The only gripe until now, Swype does not have Portuguese OR Spanish language support anymore.

    Guess I’ll have to wait until the Portuguese or Spanish version of Froyo comes out, since I love Swype. :/

  34. To upgrade from any country:

    1) install KIES software from Samsung site
    –> U need this latest version which was only released yesterday!

    2) connect your Galaxy to KIES software
    3) start regeditor (start run regedit.exe)
    Look in one of the subfolders of
    IN HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Samsung/Kies/DeviceDB/
    “HIDSWVER”,“ProductCode”, “SoftwareRevision” and “DEVCONINFO”.
    Change values of HIDSWVER and SoftwareRevision to “I9000XWJM2/I9000NEEJM1/I9000XXJM1/I9000XWJM2″
    Change Productcode to: “GT-I9000HKDNEE”
    DEVCONINFO needs to be blanc ( remove the value)

    Now click the upgrade button in Kies – you will be able to upgrade .. enjoy

  35. I have made a small post on how to reinstall the Market application here: http://kristrev.wordpress.com/2010/10/16/how-to-restorefix-market-on-samsung-galaxy-s-after-2-2-update/

  36. My phone will not connect with kies! it keeps saying in the corner “connecting” with the loading bar going back and forth. Iv’et let it sit for 10 minutes! I recovered the drivers. It just wont connect. My phone is in Kies mode too. Any help?

  37. If you cannot connect to Kies :
    – make sure you have TWlauncher as desktop
    – go to settings – storage – unmount external card

    now you should be able to connect to Kies.

    Warning these firmwares are for euro models only.

  38. It seems like Android Market is not included in this update. Is there anyway of getting the APK for market and install it yourself? Seems like Samsung wants me to use their market…

  39. does it work in australia

  40. make sure you are running the touchwiz launcher, when you are trying to connect.
    and reinstall the drivers in kies.
    this often helps

  41. Hey Ryan, Kies can temperamental, like pfanne suggested you should completely remove Kies and any Samsung drivers that you have installed. I would suggest that you also remove any registry files ( if you are a pc ) relating to Kies and then reboot and then reinstall Kies. Hope this helps.

  42. @deoki

    I’ve read in xda that its recommended you uninstall lag fix before you update to avoid bricking your phone. I’m sure you dont need to unroot and uninstall OCLF but I did to be on the safe side. Still waiting for Froyo to be released in my area.

  43. BNPVortis : i have installed the latest kies which was released 15th october. i have then changed values in regedit as per your instructions. i then click update/upgrade which both say i have the latest software and firmware installed already. i have then looked back in the regedit and the values which i changed have returned to there original values. any ideas on why as your way did not work? thanks in advance.

  44. For those where Android Market stopped working:

    Use your filemanager (or Astro) to browse to the system/app folder and launch vending.apk (to reinstall it)

    problem solved.

  45. BNPVortis

    could you please help with my my comment number 43 thanks

  46. Andy May,

    You need to leave KIES software open while you change the registry values. After you changed them hit the update button

  47. Is Android 2.2 now available for T-Mobile Samsung SGH-T959 Vibrant on Kies mini? I checked Samsung site and they recommended not to use Kies with Vibrant phone. It said only to use Kies mini to get any updates.

  48. thanks for responding BNPVortis i will try again

  49. Hard reset brought the android market back after froyo update

  50. james,

    Like I said before, this is for EURO models only.
    US models will have to wait a couple of weeks.

  51. BNPVortis, a question for you.

    I noticed you provided a way for others to download the 2.2 by changing the values in kies, which is cool.

    So my question is? I live in the USA and am using Tmobile vibrant. If I change the values and hit update on my vibrant, what will happen to my phone? will it update date it? will it brick it? your thoughts?

  52. I live in the USA. Do you think the Froyo really fixed the GPS problem?

  53. Don’t use this trick for USA phones !!!!

  54. Joseph poses a good question. Does the EURO I9000 model have the gps problem that plagues so many of the U.S. models (especially att captivate and t-mobile vibrant)? If so, does the Froyo update also fix the broken gps function for the I9000?

  55. BNPVortis.

    i succesfully updated as you said to do. is this the official froyo update which is being released from samusung? when i connect to kies now it says ” this devices version cannot be updated”.

  56. andy,
    It’s normal that you cannot upgrade anymore if you install the latest firmware as there is no other more recent..

    To Joseph and TigerPaw, the euro version had a working GPS.
    Anyway I was not really happy with it’s performance.. took too long to hook up to a satelite. This has been improved with this release.

    Honestly I thought the previous version was snappier although I haven’t tried the hard reset or factory reset yet. Also the browser is a tad slower but this I blame on the flash banners which are working now.
    Good side is that I can watch south park episodes now and other flash video content. So I’m sticking to this one and will perform a factory reset soon.

  57. Thanks BNPVortis,

    Hope, the Froyo can improve my GPS performance.
    Cross Finger!

  58. BNPvortis i cant do your upgrade process it says is have the latest firmware upgrade i downloaded the upgraded KIES and did everything you said but still it wont work!! im from philippines!!

  59. @david,

    First of all I don’t know if this firmware is for your model.
    But in case it is, launch the Kies software, do the registry updates as stated in my previous post and then hit the update button in Kies.

    So the trick is to have Kies open cause if you close it it will write your current firmware in the registry.

  60. @BNPVortis already tried that but it says i have the JPM format already and nothing has changed!!!! i really want to have this update on my phone!! please help!!

  61. FYI, the factory reset brought the phone back alive.

    It’s very responsive now didn’t even have to use the OneClick hack

  62. i tried to install NPC (New PC studio)(as per guidence from samsung’s official website)with windows7. error message coming. anybody help me for the installation of NPC.

  63. Try re-installing windows media player 11 to fix the MTP Driver Issues. You don’t need to uninstall to do this, just simply redownload and install over the existing copy.

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