
BuzzVoice Goes Free, Adds “Add Feed” Feature for Pro Users


The folks from BuzzVoice have just announced that their application is now free to download in the Android market, and with that update comes a new feature: the ability to add your own feed instead of being limited to what’s sitting in the repositories. For those who don’t know what BuzzVoice is, it’s effortless to describe it as “an RSS reader that reads the news for you.” Already, you can see how useful this’ll be in situations such as walking, driving, and anything else that requires your eyes to be anywhere else other than your phone.

Android users get an even more well-rounded app with the option to add a widget to your homescreen to control the app and an “Android Radio” station that reads the news from most major Android sites, including yours truly! I’m excited to try out the new version (3.0), and if you want to take it for a spin as well, be sure to scan (or touch, if you’re reading this on your phone) the QR code below, or just search “BuzzVoice” in the Android market. Also, be sure to head on over to the BuzzVoice blog to keep up to date on their ongoing developments, and keep an eye on Phandroid for possible giveaway opportunities for the Pro version!


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. The qr code didn’t find anything when I clocked it from my captivate. A quick search for the name did though. Just fyi

  2. Fuck verizon 4g, Here Is what WE CARE ABOUT:Were the fuck is Project emerald from tmobile. That new plasticly MyTouch blows! Fuck you Phandroid and fuck your source who said there would be a “dual release” of two phones. Where is it?!?!?! And where the fuck is the htc Glacier? The Glacier’s cpu PWNED the shit out of every phone, And PWNED most phones gpus. The new mytouch’s 1ghz processor is NOT the glacier. PWND

  3. Go take a Xanax

  4. Verizon 4g? huh? I know you are just trolling, but come on… at least take the time to troll with some dignity. a little customization to the post, or you could author a more ambiguous post that wouldn’t be so, well, moronic.

    the content of the message seems to show your anger at phandroid for failing to fulfill their news… that burden is on T-Mobile, not a tech site. I am sorry that this news doesn’t pertain to project emerald, I wish that there were more Top Notch devices being launched, regardless of the carrier. but bitching and moaning on a site that posts about 4 rumors for every 1 actual “official” announcement. seems like a waste of your time. I hope that you feel that your post sufficiently vented your misplaced anger. and you can spare the rest of us your useless profanity filled rants.

    Thank you

  5. Keller, go easy on the coffee, ok?

  6. Fuck mthguy, Here Is what WE CARE ABOUT:Were the fuck is Project emerald from tmobile. That new plasticly MyTouch blows! Fuck you Phandroid and fuck your source who said there would be a “dual release” of two phones. Where is it?!?!?! And where the fuck is the htc Glacier? The Glacier’s cpu PWNED the shit out of every phone, And PWNED most phones gpus. The new mytouch’s 1ghz processor is NOT the glacier. PWND ;)

  7. Keller, don’t be surprised if you end up banned pretty soon.

  8. thanks for taking mthguy’s advice keller. u changed it alittle, good effort ;). try a little harder though and custimize it more

  9. @QK i think keller has the right to say what he wants. if u dont like it just ignore him.just ban him if he says phandroid ;).no one told u to read his post every artical.freedom of speech!

  10. anyways the app is pretty cool. ill take it :)

  11. @Andulas he’s obviously trolling, and we simply don’t allow that. It was alright the first few times. Quite amusing, actually. But he does this on nearly every post we publish. We’ve always allowed less-than-favorable comments to be made, but not when it’s blatant trolling.

  12. @QR ya ur right, it is getting quite boring now. im sorry. now that i think of it u should bann him cuz every time i see the comments hes there trolling which is getting quite annoying. go ahead and ban him :)

  13. To all those trying to ban the infamous keller:
    Skip to these times:
    4:20 and also will get 4:31 by me

  14. How did this turn from a discussion about Buzzvoice over to some annoying 13 year old kid yelling and screaming about the fact that his parents just bought him a new phone and he didn’t get the one that he wanted.

    It’s still a good phone, you should have went with the Samsung Vibrant if you wanted a quality phone and don’t complain about the fact that you got a phone that most of us here in Canada can’t see for the next quarter.

  15. Keller = iHole waiting for VZW.

    BuzzVoice is great.

  16. I laughed out loud when I read Su2lly’s comment.

    Hopefully, Keller has left the building :)

    I’m happy to answer any BuzzVoice-related questions anyone has.

    Co-founder, BuzzVoice

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