
Adobe Air “Officially” Launching October 8th


Two weeks ago, it was rumored that Adobe would be launching their AIR runtime to the Android market on October 8th. The news came to us as a developer outed an email Adobe sent to allow them to prepare to upload their wares. According to TalkAndroid – who attended the Big Texas BBQ last night along with Adobe themselves (to host their own panel) – Adobe’s announced that AIR will indeed be launching October 8th. There’s no press release to be had, it seems, but we’ll take it. I’ll be counting down the days to its launch and can’t wait to see what new apps come out of this groundbreaking release.

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Woot! Can’t wait. :)

  2. Been waiting for this!

  3. Nice. For all the Flash hate, third party middleman platforms like Java and Flash do make it a lot easier to port applications to multiple platforms.

  4. whatever, my n1 is still too slooooow for flash… or is it the other way around.

  5. @ nom,

    Most Flash content runs fine on my Nexus One. Overall the performance is outstanding.

  6. Look out Apple… all those great Air apps being developed by guys like me are going to be everywhere you look. A year from now the Apple marketplace is going to have a hard time keeping up with all the apps in the Android marketplace.

  7. @chris, i guess the flash contents that i come across with are not included with the ‘most’ you are referring to.

  8. All I can say is “this is awesome.”

  9. I can’t help but wonder if this is why Archos is waiting until October to release their Android tablets.

  10. @nom,

    Yeah, I sitck to mainstream sites.

  11. Lets just hope they make it save to sd card as the pre-builds have been 12mb+

    They also need to make flash save to sd

  12. Yeah! I can finally release my game I’ve been developing. The beta runtime performs very well!

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