
Samsung Vibrant for Bell Now Available


A few days ago, we learned that Bell Canada would be bringing the Samsung Vibrant starting August 6th and – sure enough – it’s August 6th. You can grab the Galaxy S smartphone starting at $149.95 with a three-year agreement or walk out of the store with it for $499.95 without a contract. Their site is just waiting for you to snap up one of those Super AMOLED-equipped beauts, so make no delay. Oh, and there are some equally-enthusiastic T-Mobile customers in the Vibrant section of AndroidForums.com that already own the phone waiting to welcome you with warm arms. What are you waiting for?

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

bell canada vibrant

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. FYI It is not the same vibrant as the tmo variant! It is really more like the international galaxy s including the front facing camera, so bell Canada users should check the galaxy s section nit the vibrant one!

  2. Just picked one up today. Awesome deal, 5gb for 30 bucks. Phone is pretty sweet.

  3. Will this work on US Tmobile?

  4. Will buying this work on T-mobile USA bands?

  5. I inquired about bringing one of these to US. It apparently can run on AT&T network.

    Buy phone for $499.
    has $35 activation fee
    minimum $30 plan required. cancel the plan the next day.
    after 30 days, can pay $75 to Bell to have the phone unlocked. It’s a lot of money to brig to US.

  6. bell phone runs on 850/1900

  7. T-Mobile and Wind in Canada are compatible – there’s a new phone out for Wind, the Huawei in a previous post, for $160 no contract..

  8. I did it! I tried the Galaxy S! Lets say that the screen is just awesome. I was not sure about the UI.. I like sense ui and stock android better. That phone is very thin too. Loved it!

  9. If you buy one of these at Costco in the near future they will give you $100 costco store credit as well, make the phone effectively $50. Its a screaming deal, and a beautiful phone! The screen on this thing is better than anything I’ve seen.

  10. A “turbosim” will get around the SIM lock on the Galaxy S series. Can personally confirm it works on Bell Vibrant and AT&T Captivate. There’s some wonkiness with incoming calls from time to time, but data connection is always solid and no problems with outgoing voice.

    So for $499 (cheaper if you want to risk the Vancouver/Toronto/Montreal Craigslist sellers), some shipping and $5 for the TurboSim you’re in business.

    I went down to the US to buy a Captivate on launch day, now I own both it and the Bell Vibrant. Captivate wins hands down on looks and hand-feel, though after three weeks of use, the plastics are quite worn on the back, and it’s as creaky as grandpa’s knees.

    However, Samsung nailed the ergonomics on the regular Galaxy S. It’s much easier to use one-handed. Softer edges make it more comfortable for long-term use (reading, etc), and that bump on the bottom as a finger brace is quite nice. 3 button is the way to go on Android, IMHO, and having the physical home button is great..wakes it up from sleep, no accidental presses, etc. Capacitive button hotspots are nice and large, so if you orient on the Home button depression, it’s no problem using this thing in teh dark with the backlights off.

    Just wish the case looked better..backplate is ultra flimsy, black chrome is tacky and gives the illusion of a narrower screen when run side-by-side with the Captivate. And of course, it still has that whole giant iPhone 3GS thing going on.

    FFC is a feature I’ll never use though.

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