
Amazon Kindle App Due In July?


One small detail that snuck by us throughout Samsung’s round of Galaxy S announcements early this morning was that the T-Mobile version – being dubbed the Samsung Vibrant – would be launching with Amazon Kindle. The device itself will be launching July 21st, so we can’t help but wonder if the Amazon Kindle app will appear on the Android Market right around that same time.

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We’ve contacted Amazon to see if they can shed some light on this. In the meantime, let us know if you’re excited for the launch of Amazon Kindle or if you’re fine with other options currently in the market such as Kobo and Aldiko in the comments section below.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I’ve only really tried Kobo and it seems like nothing more than a wrapper for the browser, which is lame.
    I’m waiting on Google Books and since the rumour today, Google Me :)

  2. Would love to see this happen. I don’t care for dragging my Kindle around and an app on my Droid would be very convenient.

  3. its geat…another step in the right direction for android…next is google music…hopefully you will be able to download movies and tv shows as well…With that said google has caught up to apple and I actually prefer the android OS over Apple OS…Android!!!!

  4. I just downloaded the kindle app from the market…

  5. s-amoled + Kindle = something you can read anywhere and still have color.

  6. Been waiting for this for a long time.

  7. There is no way that I will be reading a book on my phone. Maybe if I get a tablet

  8. I think the choice is to what availability of books each has? I like reading the classics from Verne, Wells, and Lovecraft, so Aldiko works very well for me. If a Kindle app has a good variety of free publications as well, it will get a lot of downloads.

  9. I really hope this comes soon! I’ve been waiting for this for several months!

  10. @ timmyjoe42, I use to read books with MS reader on my old Samsung WinMo phone all the time. It is acctualy not to bad, and it was fairly easy to read. I have used some apps on the android phone, but so far I have not been able to get the books I would like on android apps, so I am really looking forward to kindle and google books.

  11. I am really surprised this has not come out sooner.

  12. Honestly, I am just waiting on this app to move to the Android platform. I have the BB Storm (no kindle) but have bought and dl so many Kindle books, and use the Kindle Reader on my BB at least once a day – I want the app before I buy an Android phone.

  13. I noticed that myself. It would never replace my Kindle but it would be nice to have it on my phone for “emergencies” (yes, I can have a reading emergency! LOL)

  14. I am very much looking forward to a good book reader for Android that can download modern books without going through a conversion process. Barnes & Noble, or Amazon…. which ever comes first, I’ll jump on their band wagon.

  15. The Kindle app is available in the Market and online:

  16. what do you know. The app is available for download in the market. Woo hoo!!!

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