
Samsung Galaxy Apollo ‘Coming Soon’



While it isn’t quite the Samsung Galaxy S, the Samsung M100s is no doubt a solid Android handset from the Korean manufacturer. Its 3.7-inch screen and 5MP camera on Android 2.1 seen the light of day outside of Korea, but that all could be changing soon. Samsung’s British site is showing a phone called the Samsung Galaxy Apollo that is eerily similar to the M100s we all know. This phone is listed as “coming soon,” so release details are far from certain but it looks like Samsung might just be setting up the release of some solid Android offerings to orbit the central Galaxy S.

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[via Engadget]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I wonder why Samsung is sticking with Galaxy for the naming process.

  2. it’s their ‘Droid’

  3. Its about building a brand. Verizon has done so with their Droid line and so has T-Mobile with their myTouch line. But these are regional mobile providers and Samsung is a global company. With them launching the Galaxy S in so many countries, they want to keep a homogeneous experience. Think of how the Droid is called the Milestone in the UK. And Galaxy I believe was their first Android phone and ended up being the template for other phones(BHII, etc). But I think they are using this to start fresh and launch a singular marketing campaign around the Galaxy name, starting with the S and then downwards with the Apollo. I wouldn’t be surprised if another phone came out, including versions with full keyboards. Sony this this with their Xperia line.

  4. Samsung Galaxy Apollo: one small step for Android, one giant leap for mankind

  5. Is that front-facing camera?

  6. Probly an led light if it were a front facing camera the fone wood be much bigger news.. Cood be tho I jus doubt that it is.

  7. Be nice if Samsung would support their original Galaxy. No way I’ll ever buy another Samsung product.

  8. It is not a camera it is a light sensor.

  9. no front camera is outdated, it will fail as you can see like every other month there is a new android phone, SAMSUNG WILL FAIL video calling started this mont June 2010, no front camera will be a cellphone of the past

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