
T-Mobile Version of the Nexus One Temporarily Unavailable


Well that’s just random. One of our eagle-eyed readers spotted that the Nexus One has been listed as temporarily unavailable for T-Mobile on the phone’s official online storefront (the same storefront that’s set to be shutdown sometime in the future). I should probably note that this might not mean anything seeing as we saw the same scare with the AT&T version a couple of weeks ago: it came back up just a day later.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


For now, you’re unable to order the Nexus One for T-Mobile’s network whether or not you’re ordering it on subsidy. I would ponder if Google’s just about set to shift to retail stores, but this might just turn out to be another random hiccup in their inventory. We’ll keep our eyes on the site to see if anything changes.

[Thanks, Heroid007!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Man… people must still be sleeping.

  2. @Rob Jackson It does seem weird how there are no comments this morning. I am going to be LMAO later when Steve Jobs tries to the iPhone look better than Android.

  3. I was actually wondering about that yesterday if we would still be able to purchase it from their storefront. Now I know at least for now we can’t. They need to hurry up and make the shift to retail stores.

  4. nexus one is gonna hit the stores on June 19th, remember T-Mobile has something big on June 19th

  5. @Bob I hope t-mobile has something better than this to announce. Don’t get me wrong, i love the nexus one and i’m thinking about getting another one(I gave mine to my wife when google sent me a droid) soon but i would’nt consider this a big announcement.

  6. Also, the Jun 19th announcement was mentioned as a bullet point in a document whose exclusive scope was covering the roll-out of the 3G Slide.

    I’m afraid that once the Nexus One appears in T-Mobile stores (if that’s where it’s headed, as opposed to, say, Best Buy), it will no longer be a stock Android device. My contract expires July 8, and I would really prefer to get a Nexus One without the T-Mobile crapware UI, update-stalling stuff that typically comes with carrier-centric devices.

  7. Just wanted to note that the other day I spoke with a tmo when I was inquiry bout my g1 takin a crap. Anyway I inquired about when and if tmo will carry the nexus one in there stores and her reply was she don’t see that happening anytime soon. As it will be sold directly from google. Maybe she was blowing smoke up my @ss but that was what was said. Guess we shall find out soon enuff.

  8. A T-mobile retail store employee mentioned the 19th as the day a nation wide promo starts for the MyTouch Slide. He also mentioned the Galaxy S was supposed to be released in June and has been pushed back to July.

  9. I’m glad I bought mine a couple of days ago via Craigslist for 400 bucks MINT– you gotta love Craigslist!

  10. Nexus One FOR THE WIN!

    Can’t wait for the official release of Android 2.2 Froyo!

    Soon it’s time to bring on Android 2.3 Gingerbread! :D :D

  11. i called the nexus one support t# and they said to me that they heard google was waiting for apple to release their phone and then google was going to release the nexus one to tmobile stores. i mean it was htc i was on the phone with and he knew more it seemed than the customer service lady at tmobile..

  12. pheewww glad i bought mine few days ago

  13. I’d consider getting a Nexus One IF it came with Swype.


  14. i asked a tmobile employee the other day if they were gonna get it in store and he said no.

    and going_home, you can get swype on the nexus one. just go to swype.com

  15. It appears like it is available now. Do I get it or wait for the Galaxy S?

  16. They’re back now! Go go go!

  17. I’ve been trying to decide whether to bite the bullet and spend the bucks or see if I can find one cheaper on eBay. (the difference being I’m assuming that getting it from Google I’d still get the warranty and I’m not seeing great savings on eBay so far). Probably shouldn’t have waited.

  18. update as of 6:50 pm eastern time – seems to be back…

  19. Its back up and running now! :)

  20. So when does the new iphone comes out? when ever that comes out then w know the nexus is coming out

  21. I was in a t-mobile corporate store yesterday and noticed that they had alot of nexus one accessories for sale so I don’t know if that means that it’s coming back to t-mobile or if each store is just trying to get rid of it’s inventory but I would hope that it would be the former because it’s been 5 months since t-moble has sold the phone in their stores and why would they keep inventory that long on something that they don’t plan on bringing back but I also saw accessories for the old t-mobile dash and they haven’t sold that for nearly a year so you never know.

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