
Android Invades Apple’s WWDC iPhone 4G Announcement [Humorous Video]


The Android phone is for porn… or so says our bright green mascot as he crashes Steve Jobs’ iPhone party at the World Wide Developer Conference set to take place tomorrow. Dog Sniffing Bomb treated us to a funny video showing what it would look like if Android suddenly invaded Apple’s yearly conference in San Francisco.

I don’t want to spoil too much of the video, so I’ll just say that I wouldn’t mind seeing this exact scenario go down somehow tomorrow morning (in fact, I would most probably thoroughly enjoy it).

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

The Innocomm Shark’s TV Tuner Gets Shown Off [Video]

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  1. Good idea, really hate the Androids voice.
    Also, the music is too overpowering/loud for the voices.

  2. Avenue Q – The internet is for porn, no one noticed?

  3. Avenue Q + Android = Aping Apple

  4. Please disregard the comment above. ^I didn’t use the right word in the right context. I meant beating.

  5. total rip off of the ‘the internet is for porn’ on wow.


  7. R-O-F-L!!! The best and most discrete part of that animated genius was: “Now includes Flash!” “What!? I hate Flash!” “On the camera” “ohh” hahahahaa

  8. Sorry to be overly harsh, but someone did a very professional job animating this, but totally blew the audio which ruined the whole thing. The music was blaring, and the voices barely audible. Android’s Pee-Wee Hermanish voice made it even more difficult to hear.

  9. Read this update on my phone using the app that the first thing that popped into my mind was how great it would be if this exact video existed, and now it does!

  10. yeah, it took the melody and theme of the internet is for porn from avenue q. the android’s voice is meant to be like that. here, see for yourself:

  11. I’m not sure this is the best endorsement for android, but I sure think it’s funny :P

  12. I want an Iphone to repell sharks, also known as wall street suit men. :-)
    Shit Droid allready does that or what…

  13. @phoenix
    thanks for sharing, its amazing :D

  14. agree with Matrix. Great animation, horrendous audio. You’d think if you spent that much time animating it you would at least make it audible. The Android’s voice sucks, and I’ve seen Avenue Q twice so I know what it’s referencing. Someone should redo the audio.

  15. @ikbenben

    You mean the WoW video is a rip-off of the West-End musical ‘Avenue Q’ I believe.

  16. @ikbenben you fail. Saying something is a rip off of another ripoff reeks of fail.

  17. Just realized we embrace sharks, at least the innocoms one. Sorry took me this long to see the pun.

  18. Pure awesome.

  19. Wow..I think I am deaf now. Not really funny. Kinda dumb.

  20. Pretty funny. Laughed at the end with Jobs going “I’m gonna sue you..”

  21. Now iPhone gets Android 2.2 FROYO anyways!!!!

  22. Goog one. Great humour.

  23. I’ve been waiting for someone to make and Android version of that song! My prayers have been answered! LOL

    I’ll agree that the audio was a bit messed up, but it was understandable.

  24. did they cast mr bean for andy’s voice?

  25. The iPhone is still better. I have used various smart phones, Android etc.

  26. WOW iPHONe is just catching up to what is already out … nothing new just hard ware and camera

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