
LG Optimus Q to Launch with Android 1.6


I think we all hoped with the announcement of yet another new version of the OS that phones launching with good old Android 1.6 would become a thing of the past. Turns out there are a few more that still need to get worked out of the system, and oddly enough it now appears that the LG Optimus Q will be one of them. Up until now it was widely believed that the Optimus Q — or LU2300 if you prefer — would come running on Android 2.1, and for a phone of it’s caliber 1.6  seems like a big step backwards (I mean, even the LG Ally runs 2.1). Nevertheless this is what the below screen shot would have us believe.

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At least users will be getting some enhanced functionality with the inclusion of Air Sync, LG’s own method of pushing content such as photos, video, and text from a PC to your phone over the air. This phone for now has only been confirmed for a release in South Korea, so no word yet when it may reach other places.

[via Engadget]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Hell Yeah 1.6

  2. lol said it before, I will say it again. LG Sucks, Word said. Although the top spec makes me smile. Snapdragon 1GHz FTW. Thanks Qualcomm

  3. LG phones are some of the worst phones on the market. I have had 2 now and both have been absolute rubbish, poor build quality and no help whatsoever from LG support.
    This pains me to say it, but I would rather an iphone than any LG crap ( just lucky HTC make great phones on the awesome android os ) :)

  4. I thinks it’s pretty safe to say at this point that it’s better to stay away from the LG and Samsung crap and stick to Moto and HTC. At least until they get their shit together with Android. The worst Android phones out there are either LG or Samsung, is like their purposely trying to make Android suck.

  5. Actually alfalcon, in the states, the worst android phone, based on usability, design, applications, and network would have to fall to Moto with the Backflip.

  6. Moto backflip and Devour both make me wince. I guess there’s no middle ground with them.
    And LG has the Ally coming which may or may not prove worthwhile.
    Either way, I have the Droid Eris from HTC and I don’t see myself making any changes until Big Red has their 4G network established… which should be right around the time I’m ready for my upgrade. Lucky me.

  7. been looking for a new phone, no lg that’s for sure! (and no acer either, their support sucks!)

  8. Motorola backflip = EPIC FAIL. Like a V3 with android, lol. Not litterally, but you get what I mean. Why are some companies still in the cell phone game. I would buy the Garminfone before I bought a Motorola or LG.

  9. Wow LG is probably gonna make this phone look like and seem like a feature phone, and the Samsung crud that they keep putting, touchwiz, is terrible, and now the people who bought the behold 2 are gonna pay for getting a terrible phone. At&t screws up the phones so they can get people to buy the iphone, come on google should just restrict samsung, lg and att to make and sell phones for good.

  10. @droidpwner Yes at&t want everyone to buy the iPhone but what Bout us at&t customers who get great service (shocker huh) and can’t stand Sprint or doesnt get good Verizon signal anywhere around? The HTC aria is a great android device, sure it isn’t the most top of the line device but it deserves more credit. You can bypass all the restrictions with HTC sync. I have swype installed on my aria because of htc sync. At&t is not that bad, or at least in my area, they just have a bad rep because they sell the dreadful iPhone all android fans are sworn to hate. I’ve never owned one so I’m not gonna preach hate against it.

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